
新闻动态 · 2014-09-29



Gregory Chow Best Paper Award


Chinese Economists Society (CES) 2005 Annual Conference

June 24-26, 2005, Chongqing, China



To honor Professor Gregory Chow’s (Princeton University) contribution to China’s economic transition and to the Chinese Economics Society (CES), the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award has been established to award 1-2 outstanding papers presented at the CES Conferences.  At the CES 2005 Chongqing Conference, two such Awards will be offered, one for a junior scholar (receiving a PhD within the past five years) and the other for a graduate student.  The awardees must be an active CES member, and the primary author of a paper submitted to the CES Chongqing Conference. For details about the Conference, please visit www.China-CES.org. 


To apply for the Award competition, the author must send a completed paper along with CV and a cover letter indicating interest in the competition by May 1, 2005, to Professor Gordon G Liu, the CES President, at ggliu@unc.edu.   Each winner will receive a certificate and check of $1000 travel allowance to the CES Chongqing Conference.  An academic committee of CES Board of Directors will be formed to make the selections.  Professor Gregory Chow will present the awards to the winners at the 2005 CES Chongqing Conference. 










为了表彰和衷心感谢普林斯顿大学邹至庄教授对中国经济转型所作的特殊贡献和对中国留美经济学会的关心和支持,中国留美经济学会(Chinese Economists Society – 简称CES)特别设立“邹至庄最佳经济学论文奖”。此殊荣将授予在中国留美经济学年会上演讲的最佳经济学论文的作者,名额为一至二名。


2005年中国留美经济学会年会将于624-26日在重庆召开,题为“中国经济可持续发展国际研讨会:人力资本与环境投资”。本次大会将颁发两名邹至庄最佳经济学论文奖,其中一名授予青年学者(在过去5年内获得博士学位),一名授予在读研究生。参选者必须是原创论文的第一作者,必须是中国留美经济学的现任会员。参选者必须通过电子邮件将完稿论文、参选信和个人简历在51日前送交留美经济学会主席刘国恩教授 (ggliu@unc.edu) 此项殊荣的获得者将获得价值1000美金的奖励,包括奖杯,证书以及800美元的参会旅费津贴。中国留美经济学会将专门成立评选委员会对优秀论文进行评选。有关本次大会详情,请访问中国留美经济学会网址www.China-CES.org.
