
新闻动态 · 2004-11-18



姓  名:郑国汉
性  别:男
职  称:教授
职  务:经济系教授及系主任

  于1975年获取香港中文大学经济系学士学位,并于1977年及1980年分别获取美国加州大学柏克莱分校经济系硕士及博士学位 。1980年任美国佛罗里达州大学经济系助理教授,1985年晋升副教授并获终身教职。1992年起任香港科技大学经济系教授。自1995年至今任经济系主任,并于1993-1996年任工商管理学院副院长。此外曾任复旦大学客座教授及汕头大学兼任教授。



  1. "Ex Ante Plant Design, Portfolio Theory, and Uncertain Terms of Trade," Journal of International Economics, Vol. 14 (February 1983), 25-51. (USA)

  2. "The Lack of Pareto Superiority of Unegalitarian Wealth Distribu-tions," with Irma Adelman, Metroeconomica, Vol. 35 (June 1983), 105-122. (Italy)

  3. "The Local Stability of an Open-loop Nash Equilibrium in a Finite Horizon Differential Game," with David Hart, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 12 (October 1983), 139-147. (USA)

  4. "A Dynamic Model of Personal Wealth and Income Distribution in a Growing Closed Economy," with Irma Adelman, Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Vol. 198 (November 1983), 481-504. (Germany)

  5. "On Dumping," with Roger D. Blair, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 50 (January 1984), 857-865. (USA)

  6. "International Trade and Technology: A Brief Survey of the Recent Literature," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 120 (1984), No.1, 165-189. (Germany)

  7. "International Competition in R&D and Technological Leadership: An Examination of the Posner-Hufbauer Hypothesis," Journal of Interna-tional Economics, Vol. 17 (August 1984), 15-40. (USA)

  8. "Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Equilibria: A Geometric Ap-proach," Rand Journal of Economi-cs, Vol. 16 (Spring 1985), 146-152. (USA)

  9. "Inverting Systems of Demand Functions," Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 37 (October 1985), 202-210. (USA)

  10. "The Impact of Changes in Relative Weights on the Optimal Solution of a Maximization Problem," Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 15 (1986), No. 2, 143-150. (USA)

  11. "Uncertainty and Economic Self-sufficiency," Journal of International Economics, Vol. 23 (August 1987), 167-178. (USA)

  12. "Optimal Trade and Technology Policies: Dynamic Linkages,"Interna-tional Economic Review, Vol. 28 (October 1987), 757-776. (USA)

  13. "Assisting Domestic Industries under International Oligopoly: The Relevance of the Nature of Competition to Optimal Policies," American Economic Review, Vol. 78 (September 1988), 746-758. (USA)

  14. "Intermittent Trade Disruptions and Optimal Production,"Interna-tional Economic Review, Vol. 30 (November 1989), 753-774. (USA)

  15. "On the Strategic Choice between Capital and Labor Mobility,"with Kar-yiu Wong, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 28 (May 1990), 291-314. (USA)

  16. "Schumpeterian Growth and International Business Cycles,"with Elias Dinopoulos, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 82 (May 1992), 409-414. (USA)

  17. "Strategies for Rapid Economic Development: The Case of Hong Kong," Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 13 (January 1995), 28 - 37. (USA)

  18. "Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium Based Upon Expected Utility and Quadratic Utility," with Min Zhu, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 9 (May 1995), 139-150. (USA)

  19. "A Multisectoral General Equilibrium Model of Schumpeterian Growth and Fluctuations," with Elias Dinopoulos, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 20 (May 1996), 905-923. (USA)

  20. "Supplier Preference and Dumping: An Analysis of Japanese Corporate Groups," with Mordechai E. Kreinin, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 63 (July 1996), 51-59. (USA)

  21. "Strategic Policies toward International Factor Movement," with Kar-yiu Wong, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 30 (May 1997), 456-478. (Canada)

  22. "The Impact of Public Policies on Innovation and Imitation: The Role of R&D Technology in Growth Models," with Zhigang Tao, International Economic Review, Vol. 40 (February 1999), 187-207. (USA)

  23. "Competition and Competition Policy: Implications of Hong Kong's Reversion to China," with Changqi Wu, Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 5, No.2 (June 2000), 279-289. (Hong Kong)

  24. "What are the Determinants of the Location of Foreign Direct Investment? The Chinese Experience," with Yum K. Kwan, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 51, No.2 (August 2000), 379-400. (USA)

  25. "Economic Benefits to China and Impact on Hong Kong Firms," China Economic Review, Vol. 11 (2001), No. 4, 414-418. (USA)

  26. "Determinants of the Performance of Foreign Invested Enterprises in China," with Changqi Wu, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 29 (June 2001), 347-365. (USA)

  27. "Antidumping Measures as a Tool of Protectionism: A Mechanism Design Approach," with Larry Qiu and Kit Pong Wong, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 34 (August 2001), 639-660. (Canada)

  28. "The Impact of Terminal Handling Charges on Overall Shipping Charges," with Michael K. Fung and Larry D. Qiu, Transportation Research Part A, Volume 37 (2003), 703-716. (USA)


  1. Port Facilities and Container Handling Services, with Yue-Chim Richard Wong, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, 1997. (a) 《港口设施及货柜处理服务》,与王于渐合着,香港商务印书馆, 1997 年。(b)

  2. Competition Policy and Regulation of Business, with Changqi Wu, City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, 1998. (a) 《竞争政策与企业监管》,与武常岐合着,香港商务印书馆,1998年。(b)

  3. Global Production and Trade in East Asia, editor (co-editor Henryk Kierzkowski), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 2001.

  4. The Management and Performance of China's Domestic Private Firms: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches, editor (co-editors Anne S. Tsui and Yanjie Bian), M.E. Sharpe, New York, 2004.

