
新闻动态 · 2014-07-18



          25th Jerusalem School in Economic Theory

          Matching and Market Design

          Event date: Jun 23 - Jul 2 ,2014 

    Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University)
    Eric Maskin, Director (Harvard University)
    Alvin Roth (Stanford University)
    Eyal Winter, Codirector (The Hebrew University)

    Models of matching---in which agents are paired with one another to undertake transactions---have played an important role in contemporary economic theory. Matching algorithms have proven valuable in many real-life applications, including the assignment of students to schools, medical residents to hospitals, and organ donors to recipients. Matching theory has also helped illuminate thorny problems such as inequality and unemployment. The summer school will place greatest emphasis on design issues, but will touch on other aspects of matching as well.

    List of speakers
    Atila AbdulkadirogluDuke University
    Itai AshlagiMIT
    Eric BudishUniversty of Chicago
    Scott Duke KominersHarvard University
    Jacob D. LeshnoColumbia University
    Eric S. MaskinHarvard University
    Paul R. MilgromStanford University
    Elliott PeransonNational Matching Services, Inc
    Assaf RommHarvard University
    Alvin E. RothStanford University
