
新闻动态 · 2014-06-23



上海交通大学-新加坡管理大学数量经济与金融研究中心(SJTU-SMU Center for Quantitative Economics and FinanceSSCQEF)将于201471-2日在安泰经济与管理学院举办上海交通大学-新加坡管理大学计量经济学研讨会。




July 1, 2014

8:00-8:45am             Registration

                                (Room 207, North Building, Antai College.  All sessions are held here)

8:45-9:00am             Welcome Remarks

                              Lin Zhou, Dean,Antai College of Economics and Management

Session 1:               Chair:Xu Zheng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

9:00-9:50am         Keynote Speech: Peter Robinson,London School of Economics

                             "Refined Tests for Spatial Correlation" (with Francesca Rossi)

9:50-10:40am       Keynote Speech: Jean-Marie Dufour, McGill University

                             “Wald-Type Tests When Rank Conditions Fail: Problems, Solutions, and

                             Econometric Applications”

Session 2:                 Chair:Liangjun Su, Singapore Management University 

11:00-11:40pm     Invited Speech: Zhijie Xiao, Boston College

                             “Copula based time series with filtered nonstationarity”

11:40-12:20pm     Invited Speech: Giuseppe Cavaliere, University of Bologna

                “Implementation and Theory of Bootstrap in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models”

Session 3:                 Chair:Zhijie Xiao, Boston College

2:00-2:40pm         Jun Yu, Singapore Management University

                           “A Bayesian Chi-Squared Test for Hypothesis Testing”

2:40-3:20pm           Liangjun Su, Singapore Management University

                         'Identifying Latent Structures in Panel”

Session 4:                 Chair:Junhui Qian, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3:40-4:20pm       Sainan Jin, Singapore Management University

                           “Testing the Martingale Hypothesis

4:20-5:00pm         Junhui Qian,Shanghai Jiao Tong University

                          “Shrinkage Estimation of Time Series Regressions with Multiple
                           Structural Change”


July 2, 2014

Session 5:           Chair:Jun Yu, Singapore Management University

9:00-9:50am        Keynote Speech: Xiaohong Chen, Yale University

                          “Optimal Uniform Convergence Rates and Adaptive Estimation of

                          Nonparametric Instrumental Variables Regression”(withTimothy Christensen)

9:50-10:40am      Keynote Speech: Arthur Lewbel,Boston College

                        'Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity in Demand Using Generalized Random


Session 6:           Chair:Sainan Jin, Singapore Management University

11:00-11:40am         Invited Speech: Songnian Chen, HKUST

                                “Censored Quantile Regression with Estimating Equations”

11:40-12:20pm         Invited Speech:  Yixiao Sun, UCSD

                                “Should We Go One Step Further? An Accurate Comparison of One-step and
                                Two-step Procedures in a GMM Framework”

Session 7:           Chair:Xi Qu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2:00-2:40pm         Jing Li, Singapore Management University

                             “Cointegration of the matched home purchase and rental price indexes –

                            evidence from Singapore”

2:40-3:20pm        Juliana Yu Sun,Singapore Management University

                           "Technology and Recessions”

Session 8:           Chair:Wei Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

3:40-4:20pm           Long Kang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

                            “Modeling High Dimensional Financial Returns using a Time-varying Skewed

                                      Student's t Copula model”

4:20-5:00pm        Bin Wang,Shanghai Jiao Tong University

                           "Testing for predictability in continuous time: a generalized likelihood ratio approach”



