
新闻动态 · 2013-09-26





欧洲金融杂志 专刊会议



林毅夫, 北京大学国家发展研究院教授、全国工商业联合会专职副主席、前世界银行副总裁
Warren Bailey, 美国康奈尔大学约翰逊管理学院教授
Chuan Yang Hwang,新加坡南洋理工大学商学院教授

Alessandra Guariglia,英国伯明翰大学经济学院



        本次会议包括以“中国金融开放、金融创新、监管与治理”为主题 的商业论坛。此次商业论坛将邀请政府要员、商界领袖以及著名学者与会。





录用通知结束日期: 2014年3月10日
修改以及重新提交截止日期: 2014年7月15日
论文录用通知: 2015 年春季
如有疑问,请发邮件至 Xiuping.HUA@nottingham.edu.cn


       《欧洲金融杂志》是在欧洲学术界非常著名的金融学期刊。该期刊发表的学术论文包括各类金融理论以及实证研究。它被英国商学院协会(ABS) 学术期刊质量指导评定为3星级期刊,并在澳洲商学院联盟期刊排名中评定为A类期刊。同时,它还被汤森路透收录在社会科学引文索引(SSCI)中。


        宁波诺丁汉大学是经中国教育部批准由英国诺丁汉大学与浙江万里学院合作创办。它是在中国设立的第一家引进世界一流大学优质教学资源、并具有独立法人资格和独立校区的中外合作大学。学校提供了优良的教育和研究资源,其毕业生在全球都具有很强的就业竞争力。宁波诺丁汉大学拥有600多名来自世界各地的教职员工,以及5000多名来自40多个国家的注册学生。  在科研方面,学校同国内外的学术机构有着各种形式的合作,发展战略是将科研和中国国情紧密结合起来。

宁波地处中国大陆海岸线中段,属于当今中国经济发达的长江三角洲的南翼,距上海约2.5小时左右车程。宁波历史可以追溯到7000年前。如今, 宁波成为一座快速发展的城市,在福布斯中国十大商业城市排行榜中位列第六。它将企业、文化、教育、传统和娱乐结合在了一起。宁波的金融市场也迅速成长并发挥着重要的作用。截至2009年,宁波界内银行业资产达到10万亿人民币。宁波当地企业的股票交易量以及保险行业总收入在过去五年中也稳步上升。


The Fourth Chinese Capital Markets Conference
The European Journal of Finance

24-25 May 2014
Nottingham University Business School China
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China

Keynote Speakers:
Justin Yifu Lin, National School of Development, Peking University; All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, China
Warren Bailey, Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, USA
Chuan Yang Hwang, Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Organisers and Guest Editors:
Alessandra Guariglia, Department of Economics, University of Birmingham, UK
Wenxuan Hou, University of Edinburgh Business School, UK
Xiuping Hua, Nottingham University Business School, China
Yiping Huang, National School of Development, Peking University, China

Organizing Institutions:
Nottingham University Business School China, Centre of Global Finance, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
National School of Development, Peking University, China

When and where:
Saturday 24 May – Sunday 25 May, 2014
Location: Ningbo, China

Business Forum
A major business forum is organised as part of this conference with the participation of senior government officials, business leaders and eminent academics. The theme of this year’s Forum is financial openness, financial innovation, regulation and governance in China.

Following the success of the previous three conferences, the organizers will host the 4th Conference on the topic of Chinese Capital Markets with The European Journal of Finance publishing a special issue of selected work. The conference will be held in Ningbo, China and is organized by the University of Nottingham and National School of Development at Peking University in China. The organizers invite submissions of high-quality and unpublished research papers addressing contemporary issues related to the Chinese capital market. Possible research areas include, but are not limited to: financial openness, corporate finance, asset pricing and valuation, corporate governance, financial innovation and market-based accounting research.

Paper Submission Procedure:
In your submissions, please indicate whether you want your paper to be considered for publication in the special issue of The European Journal of Finance (EJF). By submitting a paper, authors are certifying (a) that the submission is original, unpublished work, (b) that in whole or material part it is not simultaneously under consideration elsewhere. All submitted papers undergo a peer review process before being accepted for presentation at the conference. Only one presentation may be made per author. Authors submitting more than one paper should ensure a co-author is available and willing to present the paper at the conference should it be accepted for presentation. All papers presented at the conference will be discussed and in turn, all authors accepted for presentation are asked to discuss a paper.
Interested authors should submit their papers in two PDF files: one with the name, affiliation, and contact information of the authors and one anonymous copy for blind review. The first page of the manuscript must contain the paper’s title and an abstract of no more than 250 words, a set of key words and JEL codes. Please put "4th Chinese Capital Markets Conference" as the subject heading of the email. The submission fee is waived.
Papers are to be submitted to:
Email: ejf2014ningbo@gmail.com

Submission and revision:
Submission Deadline: 10 February 2014
Authors will be notified by 10 March 2014
Registration deadline: 25 April 2014
Revise and resubmit process begins:  15 July 2014
Notification of acceptance to Special Issue: 2015 Spring

For enquiries, please contact Xiuping.HUA@nottingham.edu.cn

About EJF:
The European Journal of Finance is one of a small number of leading finance journals which are based in Europe. The journal publishes a full range of research into theoretical and empirical topics in finance. EJF is rated as grade 3* by the UK Association of Business School (ABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide, and rated as grade A in the journal ratings list of Australian Business Deans Council. It is included in Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index.

About the University and the City:
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign University to open its door in China, in 2004, with the full approval of the Chinese Ministry of Education. The university provides excellent teaching and research opportunities to prepare students for an exciting career in a tough global marketplace. UNNC has eight academic divisions, around 600 administrative and teaching staff from across the world and over 5,000 students from more than 40 countries. At UNNC, the scope of research projects taking place is impressive. Research spans all faculties and disciplines. Its strategy is to match teaching and research strengths with China's interests and needs.

Ningbo is located in the middle of the coastal line of the Chinese Mainland and in the south of the Yangtze River Delta, which enjoys the most developed economy in China, within 2.5 hours’ driving distance from Shanghai. The history of Ningbo can be traced back to 7,000 years ago. At present, Ningbo is a rapidly growing city. Ranked 6th in Forbes’ list of the top cities for business in China, it’s a thriving blend of enterprise, culture, education, tradition and entertainment. The financial market in Ningbo developed quickly in recent years and plays an important role as a financial channel. By the end of 2009, the total assets of banking industry in Ningbo reached 1 trillion RMB. The stock trading volume and the total revenue from insurance industry have increased steadily over the last few years.
