
新闻动态 · 2013-10-29



Address:Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

The Chinese Economists Society (CES) calls for paper submissions for its 2014  CES North America Conference, to be held at Purdue University, March  14-15 (Friday and Saturday), 2014. The local host for the conference is Purdue University. It is also co-hosted by Henan University, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, China.  The theme of the conference is “China’s Further Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World Economy”. The conference features Professor Edward Prescott (2004 Nobel economist), who will present a keynote address, other invited speakers, round table forums, and parallel sessions. Arrival and registration of participants will take place on March 13. All speeches and sessions will be held March 14-15.
This conference will promote exchanges of academic ideas related to the Chinese economy in a North American venue. It also provides an opportunity for Ph.D. students in North America interested in working in China to learn about employment opportunities in China. We encourage Chinese universities to recruit at the conference for new faculty and pursue visiting opportunities in North America for their faculty members. This conference also encourages student participation by offering a best paper award and valuable opportunities for students to network with experienced scholars.

CES invites both members and non-members to present papers and/or to propose organized sessions at the 2014 North America Conference. All fields of specialization within Economics will be considered, but papers focusing on the Chinese economy will be given preference. The abstract submission deadline is December 1, 2013.

Persons interested in presenting a paper at the conference are asked to submit a paper proposal, which must include a title, abstract of no more than 400 words, and JEL code(s) with keywords. Paper proposals must be submitted via the CES website at You will be notified by e-mail by December 30, 2013, as to whether your proposal has been accepted.


If you would like to organize one or more sessions on a specific topic and have speakers/presenters lined up, please contact Professor Jinlan Ni, CES President (2013-2014), for approval at  by November 15th, 2013. The organized session should consist of 3 to 4 names of session presenters and their e-mails. Please note that papers included in the session must still go through the regular paper submission process through the CES website. However, the “Comments” section of the form should make reference to the special session (e.g.  “This paper is part of a special session on Urbanization organized by Prof. So and So). The submission deadline for proposed organized sessions is also December 1st, 2013.

We will select an outstanding paper presented at the 2014 CES North America conference by a junior scholar for the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award. To be eligible for consideration for this prestigious award, the primary author of the paper must be a graduate student or a junior scholar who received his/her PhD within the last five years. The award winner will receive a certificate and a US $1,000 prize. Persons interested in being considered for the award must provide information confirming eligibility at the time of submission.


The CES plans to select a group of high quality papers presented at the conference for inclusion in special issues of various journals, including China Economic Review, China and World Economy, Frontiers of Economics in China, and Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. Details about these publication opportunities will be provided later.


All presenters must register for the Conference. Registration should be made online through the conference website at under “Conferences”. You may wait to register until you find out whether your paper is accepted.
Before or on Feb 1st, 2014
After Feb 1st , 2014
Regular CES member
US $80
US $110
Non- CES member
US $120
US $150
Student CES member
US $40
US $70
Student Non- CES member
US $60
US $90
All inquiries should be sent to:
For academic matters: Dr.  Jinlan Ni at
For logistics: Dr. Jun Ma, E-mail:
