The Fifteenth NBER-CCER Conference on China and the World Economy

新闻动态 · 2013-06-17



Time: June 27-June 29, 2013

Venue: 2nd Floor, Wanzhong Building, CCER, Peking University

June 26 (Wednesday)

6:30 pm NBER participants and companions meet in the hotel lobby

7:00 pm Reception at the CCER

June 27 (Thursday)

8:45–9:10 am: Opening remarks

Yang Yao (CCER), Shang-Jin Wei (NBER), Chong-En Bai (Tsinghua)

9:10–11:10 am:  Labor Market (1)

Chair: Yang Yao (CCER)

Fang Cai, Director General, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, China Academy of Social Sciences, and Member of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of China

Amanda Pallais (Harvard University and NBER): Online Labor Market  

Xiaobo Zhang (CCER & IFPRI): Competitive Pressure and Accidental Death

Donald Davis (Columbia and NBER): Cities, Skills and Wages

11:10–11:35 am: Group photo and Coffee/tea break

11:35–12:35 pm: Pollution

Chair: Chong-En Bai (Tsinghua)

Yaohui Zhao (CCER): Household Fuel use, Indoor air Pollution and Health Effect

Matthew Kahn (UCLA & NBER): Understanding China’s Urban Pollution Dynamics

12:40–1:40 pm: Lunch

1:45–3:45 pm: Labor Market (2)

Chair:  David Autor (MIT & NBER)

Justine Hastings (Brown University & NBER): College Choice, Student Loans, and Returns to College Education

Xin Meng (Australian National University) and Dandan Zhang (CCER): The Social Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Urban “Natives”

Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia University & NBER): Labor Protection and Stock Prices – When Does a Stronger Enforcement of Labor Regulations Lead to a Rise in the Stock Prices?

Sarah Turner (University of Virginia & NBER): Immigration and Adjustments in Science and Engineering Labor Markets

3:454:00 pm: Coffee/tea break

4:00–5:30 pm: Macroeconomics

Chair: Kathleen McGarry (UCLA & NBER)

Yiping Huang (CCER): Should Asia Be Worried about Japan's Quantitative Easing? A Structural Vector Autoregressive Analysis

Efraim Benmelech (Northwestern University and NBER): Debt and Collateral

Yi Wen (Tsinghua) and Jing Wu (Tsinghua): Withstanding Great Recession like China

7:00 pm:  Dinner hosted by the NBER

June 28 (Friday)

8:45–9:45 am: Business and Economics Education in China

Chair: Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia & NBER)

Yingyi Qian (School of College of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, and Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the PBOC): Business Education

Yang Yao (CCER): Economics Education

9:45–10:00 am: Coffee/tea break

10:00 –11:15am: Trade

Chair: Donald Davis (Columbia & NBER)

Celebrating the release of the Chinese edition of NBER book China's Growing Role in World Trade edited by Robert C. Feenstra and Shang-Jin Wei

Remarks on the book by Shang-Jin Wei

David Autor (MIT and NBER): Untangling Effects of Trade and Technology on Employment Patterns

Miaojie Yu (CCER) and Fan Zhang (CCER): Wages and Export Intensity: Firm-Evidence from Chinese Firms


11:15–12:10 pm: Lunch

Afternoon: Trip to the Great Wall (Simatai)

Bus leaves from CCER at 12:10 pm and from Lakeview Hotel at 12:45 pm

Casual dinner at/near the Great Wall

June 29 (Saturday)


8:45 am: NBER participants check out the Lakeview Hotel (optional)

9:00–10:00 am: Family

Chair: Xiaobo Zhang (CCER & IFPRI)

Kathleen McGarry (UCLA & NBER): Dynamic Aspects of Family Transfers

Xiaoyan Lei (CCER): Intergenerational Transfers in China: Parental Investment and Children’s Repayment

10:00-10:20 am: Coffee/tea break

10:20–12:05 pm: Markets

Chair: Matthew Kahn (UCLA)

Zhangkai Huang (Tsinghua), Lixing Li (CCER), Guorong Ma (Renmin University) and Collin Xu (World Bank): The Use of Information and the Devolvement of China’s State Economy: Hayek is Right

Shane Greenstein (Northwestern University & NBER): The Lexicon of Network Economics

Chi Wei (Tsinghua), Morris M. Kleiner (Minnesota & NBER) and Xiaoye Qian (Sichuan University), Do Occupational Regulations Increase Earnings? The influence of Professional Certification and Licensing on Wage Determination in China

12:05-12:20 pm: Concluding remarks

12:20-1:30 pm: Lunch (Open to Alumni)

1:30 pm: Adjourn

1:30 pm: Bus leaves from the CCER for Lakeview Hotel (or for Grand Hyatt)
