
新闻动态 · 2012-04-05



Fifth South Asia Economic Summit (SAES-V)

Making Growth Inclusive and Sustainable in South Asia

Call for Abstracts

At the time of this call four key developments are taking place on the global front. First we are being reminded that the effects of global financial crisis are here to stay for a little longer. This has been validated by the Euro zone crisis that has already started to impact South Asia. Second is 17th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held at Durban which is now being vowed as an important step towards combating global climate change. The third development is regional in nature carrying significant importance for South Asia’s future. The 17th Summit of the heads of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was held in Maldives and witnessed signing of some important agreements between member states. Finally and most concerning of all that economic growth in the South Asian region has been projected to decline at least for the next two quarters. It is important to take a stock of these developments in order to set in sequence the priorities for the next South Asia Economic Summit to be held between 17-19th September 2012 in Islamabad, Pakistan.


We encourage original contributions from researchers particularly from South Asian countries who wish to study the various themes towards making economic growth more inclusive and sustainable in South Asian economies. Some proposed themes are given below and others can be seen at the Summit webpage: http://www.sdpi.org/saes/.


Tentative Panels:


Macroeconomic stability and responses to internal and external shocks

Revisiting the trade barriers in South Asia

Connectivity between people and places in South Asia

Regional cooperation for energy and water security

Future prospects of migration and remittance flows to South Asia

Climate change, natural disasters, food security and livelihoods

Poverty and inequality impact of growth policies in South Asia

Growing urbanization and rising middle class in South Asia

Regional options for inclusive entrepreneurship and innovation

Women and youth engagement in South Asia

Abstracts submitted should cater to one of the above mentioned themes (word limit 400-500 words). Other themes of pressing importance to South Asia’s socio-economy can also be suggested. Country-specific case studies are welcome. The abstracts should be submitted by 9th April 2012 to vaqar@sdpi.org and afsheen@sdpi.org. Short-listed abstracts will be invited to write papers of 6,000 – 8,000 words in length that will later be presented at the SEAS-V (17-19th September 2012). Authors will be given three months to write the first draft of the paper. Final version (after incorporation of comments from the Summit presentations) would be requested after the Summit in November 2012 and will be published as part of book compilation. A modest honorarium will be provided to the Authors for their contributions. For further questions and queries, please contact:

Afsheen Naz afsheen@sdpi.org, Fayyaz Yasin fayyaz@sdpi.org.
