
新闻动态 · 2012-04-18




4th Biennial Conference of ASHEcon

Optimizing Health and Health Care

Date: June 10-13, 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

Host: Medical Industry Leadership Institute, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

Plenary Speakers

Sunday, June 10, 2012 ~ 5:00 p.m.
Wussinomics: the State of Competitive Efficiency in Private Health Insurance Markets
Mark Pauly, University of Pennsylvania

View Mark Pauly's biography.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 ~ 5:15 p.m.
Scoring Health Reform: Using Economics to Gauge the Cost and Impact of the Affordable Care Act
Jonathan Gruber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

View Jonathan Gruber's biography.

Stephen Parente, Medical Industry Leadership Institute, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

View Stephen Parente's biography.

Moderated Discussion

About the Conference

The biennial conferences of the America Society of Health Economists have become the premier health economics conferences in the U.S. The upcoming 4th Biennial Conference should continue to build that reputation. Topics are open to any area that fits within the general category of the economics of health and health- care research. Two outstanding plenary sessions are being planned.

The Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and the University of Minnesota offer great venues for this meeting. However, in the final analysis, the quality of the conference is dependent on the number and quality of papers presented, the number of health economists in attendance, and the ability of those people to network with colleagues.


The 3rd Biennial Conference held in 2010 at Cornell University broke records set by the first two conferences in terms of attendance (780) and number of oral and poster papers presented (600+). Over 90 percent of those who responded to the evaluation survey rated the overall conference as good or great. This conference can be even greater.

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