Conference on Changing Global Economy and China's Macroeconomic Development

新闻动态 · 2011-09-20



Conference on Changing Global Economy and
 China's Macroeconomic Development

Beijing, China
September 22, 2011

Venue:Academic Lecture Hall of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), No.5 Jianguomennei Dajie, Beijing, China
Host:China & World Economy, Institute of World Economics & Politics (IWEP), CASS
Working language: English

8:00–8:30 Registration

8:30–8:50 Opening and Welcoming Remarks 
                     Yu Yongding (Editor-in-chief, China & World Economy, IWEP, CASS)
                     Zhang Yuyan (Director of IWEP, CASS)
                     Jason Hu (Wiley-Blackwell)

Keynote Speech (I)
Moderator: Feng Xiaoming
(Managing Editor,China & World Economy, IWEP, CASS)

Yu Yongding (Senior Fellow, Editor-in-chief, China & World Economy, IWEP, CASS)
Topic: Rebalancing of the Chinese Economy

Zhang Jun ( Professor, Fudan University)
Topic: How Much is Added by China to the Value of Its Exports?

Louis Kuijs (Senior Fellow, MF Global)
Topic: China’s Economic Outlook--What are the Real Policy Challenges?

Zhu Ling
(Professor, Institute of Economic Study)
Zhang Liqing: (Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics)

10:10–10:25 Break

Keynote Speech (II)
Gao Haihong (Senior Fellow, IWEP, CASS)

Song Ligan (Senior Fellow, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University)
Topic: Sources of China’s Long-term Growth

Liu Ligang: (Head of China Economic Research, ANZ Bank,Hong Kong)
Topic: Beyond Sequencing: A Risk Based Approach to China's Financial Liberalization

Zhang Chengsi (Professor, School of Finance, Renmin University of China)
Topic: The Great Moderation in China: Good Luck or Good Policy?

(Managing Editor, World Economic Journal)
He Liping (Professor, Beijing Normal University)

Question & Answer

14:00–15:20 (Section I)
Wu Yanrui (Professor, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia)

Nicolaas Groenewold (Western Australia University)
Topic: Reducing Regional Disparities in China: Is Investment Allocation Policy Effective?

Zou Wei (Professor, Wuhan University)
Topic: Rural-Urban Migration and Dynamics of Income Distribution in China: A Non-parametric Approach

Jeong, Hong-Yul (Professor, Korea Maritime University)
Topic: Effects of Regional Development Policies on the Resolution of Income Disparity in China

Ning Guangjie (Associate Professor, Nankai University)
Topic:Self-employment or Wage Work? Employment Status Choice and Earning Differentials among Rural to Urban Migrants in China

Xin Xian
(Professor, China Agricultural University)
Zhou Zhangyue (Professor, James Cook University, Australia)

15:20–15:45 Break

15:45–17:35 (Section II)
Zhang Chengsi (School of Finance, Renmin University of China)

Zhou Shaojie (Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University)
Topic: Aggregate Saving in China: Trends, Components and Causes

Wang Daili (PhD Canaditate, CCER, Peking University)
Topic: Effectiveness of China’s Capital Controls and the Short-term Capital Flows

Discussant:Lai Pingyao (Professor, Univeristy of international Business and Economics)

James Laurenceson: Senior Lecturer  School of Economics,University of Queensland,Australia 
Topic:The Persistence Characteristics of Output Growth Variance in China

Ichiro Muto (Bank of Japan)
Topic: Rebalancing China’s Economic Growth: Some Insights from Japan’s Experience

Wu Yanrui (Professor, UWA Business School, University of Western Australia)
Topic:Regional Productivity and Economic Growth: A Comparison of China and Indonesia

Discussant :Bao Qun ( Professor, Nankai University)

Question & Answer

17: 35–17:40
Closing Remarks
