
新闻动态 · 2011-05-24



    入选论文作者将被邀请参加会议,优秀论文将由AGBA推荐给其合作期刊Journal for Global Business Advancement或Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development予以发表。本次会议还将设置“最优会议论文奖”。
    本次会议收取英文论文,论文总体格式参照Journal of International Business Studies(JIBS),主要要求包括:参会论文应为未发表论文,论文页数不得超过10页,其中摘要、参考文献、附表等不含;参会论文需提交150字左右的短摘要,其中工作论文、博士讨论论文及其他讨论提纲需提交不超过5页的长摘要;所有参会论文统一采用Times Roman 12号字体,A4纸,页边距为2.5cm,首页含论文题目、作者姓名、工作单位及联系方式、摘要、关键词(不超过5个)及正文。
    Global Institute of Management Education (GIME) and the School of Business Administration of Dongbei University of Finance & Economics (DUFE) will co-host AGBA’s 8th Annual World Congress in Dalian.
    The main theme of the conference this year is “Business and Entrepreneurship Development in the Context of Globalization and Rise of China”. 
    It will be held on 15th to 17th of September, 2011 in DUFE. This conference will adhere to AGBA’s goal to provide an open academic exchanging forum for the faculty at home and aboard to discuss and analyze the core issues in the international business and entrepreneurship development area, in order to have an impact on global developments and shape the destiny of developing countries such as Peoples Republic of China in the contemporary globalized economy. We invite your participation and intellectual contribution to the conference. 
     1. Subject Areas of Interest
    We welcome the submission of papers that address the conference theme as well as all functional areas of business and entrepreneurship. While the general focus is global perspective, papers with a national and/or regional focus are also welcomed. Authors may consider any of the subject areas listed below, but need not limit their options to these areas.
    - Global and Regional Economic Development
    - Global Business Environment
    - Off shoring and Outsourcing Global Entrepreneurship
    - International Human Resource Management       
    - Impact of Technologies              
    - E-Commerce and E-Business
    - International Supply Chain
    - International Strategy                      
    - Cross-Cultural Management
    - Organizational Development             
    - Multinational Corporations Management
    - Ethics and Social Responsibility                     
    - Tourism and Hospitality
    - Accounting and Auditing in MNE                   
    - Finance and Banking in MNE
    We’ll invite the author whose paper is accepted and the excellent one will be recommend to the Journal for Global Business Advancement or the Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development to be published. And also this conference will set the Best Paper Award in each category.
    2. Paper requirements
    All types of papers should be submitted in English language only. And Paper submissions should follow the style guidelines of the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and must include a full list of all references cited in the paper. The main contents are as follows: Competitive papers must be original and should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages; Working Papers, Doctoral Colloquium papers and Proposals for Special Sessions should be submitted in long abstract form to a maximum of 5 single spaced pages; all papers ought to use 12 point Times Roman font; A4 format with 2.5 cm margin on all sides; the word count excludes abstract (approximately 150 words), references and any of the appendices. The first page should indicate the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation(s) and their correspondence, as well as the abstract not exceeding 150 words and the keywords not exceeding 5 words. The main body of the paper should follow the keywords. The main body of the paper should follow the abstract.
    3. Submission deadline
    The submission deadline is August, 1, 2011.
    4. Paper submission
    The author(s) should submit his or her paper to the main paper reviewer’s E-mail: David.McArthur@uvu.edu
    For more information about the conference, please visit the following websites:
    AGBA: www.agbaonline.org
    For further information, please contact: Ge Tingting
    Telephone: +86-411-84710812
    E-mail: getingting@dufe.edu.cn
