
新闻动态 · 2012-05-28




(1) 美国金融危机和欧债危机再认识
(2) 资本主义的问题
(3) 替代方案

2012 Beijing Forum
Economics Sub-forum
Rethinking Capitalism in the Post-crisis World

The subprime-loan crisis and the Euro crisis have led world communities to rethink the variability of capitalism. Both The Economist and Financial Times have run series of articles that try to address the problems of capitalism and issues surrounding its future. While some people, noticeably professional economists, tend to believe that the crises were results of business cycles and thus can be addressed by the conventional anti-cyclical measures, other people hold that the crises were structural to capitalism and cannot be fully addressed by capitalism in its current form. In China, rethinking capitalism has led to two divergent views about economic governance. One of them believes that the crises have shown the weaknesses of free market and reflected the advantages of the government-dominant model while the other view believes that the crises are local, mainly reflecting the problems of the American version of capitalism and the welfare state. The discussion of capitalism, therefore, bears implications for China as well as shaping the direction that the world capitalism heads toward in the future. Against this background, this year’s economics sub-forum of the Beijing Forum will be devoted to the theme of rethinking capitalism in the post-crisis world. Specifically, the sub-forum will focus on three topics.

(1) Rethinking the causes of the crises
The purpose of this topic is not to find out how the subprime-loan crisis and the Euro crisis have happened; rather, it is to revisit those two crises from the perspective of rethinking capitalism. In particular, the discussion is aimed at answering the following two questions: were those two crises cyclical phenomena or structural to capitalism? Do democracy and capitalism have the natural tendency to conflict each other?

(2) Challenges to capitalism in a globalized world
The discussion under this topic is aimed at identifying and attacking the challenges that capitalism faces in a globalized world. The emerging economies have sent shock waves to the current world system. Is the global capitalist system capable of absorbing those shocks? How can capitalism continue to innovate? How will it respond to the enlarging inequality both within and among countries? Will climate change force capitalism to change its organizational modes of production, distribution, and governance?

(3) Alternatives to capitalism
Is capitalism the only form of economic governance? Is socialism obsolete? Are there any middle forms between capitalism and socialism? Has China created a new form of economic governance? What is the future of capitalism?
