Call for Papers from China & World Economy

新闻动态 · 2011-01-17



Call for Papers from China & World Economy

The bi-monthly China & World Economy (CWE) was launched in 1993 by the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). It is the first English-language journal in China devoted to the topic of the Chinese economy. It is now a co-publication of IWEP and Wiley-Blackwell. Since July 2006, China & World Economy has been included in Thompson Scientific’s Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), to become the first Chinese economic journal listed on this academic citation system. Up to now, it is the only SSCI economics journal registered on the mainland China.

CWE is delighted to announce its international conference on 22-23 September 2011 in Beijing, which is organized by IWEP, supported by CASS.

The theme of the 2011 conference is ”China’s macroeconomic development in a Changing Global Economic Environment.” The conference will provide the opportunity to review China's macroeconomic development in the past, especially since 1997, and explore the prospects for future development in the changing global economic environment. As China becomes a big player in the world economic stage, the dynamic interaction between China’s macroeconomic development and the global economy will play an important role in shaping the future development trajectory in both China and the world at large.

The conference invites academic papers around the conference theme. Three major areas of concern are China’s growth, macroeconomic stability and income distribution. Submissions are solicited on a wide variety of topics around the general conference theme including but not limited to:

l  China’s Macroeconomic stability management in the open environment

l  International policy coordination

l  Sources of China’s long-term growth

l  Interrelationship between short-run macroeconomic stability management and long-run growth management

l  Financial liberalization: internal and external: in particular, interest rate liberalization and exchange rate liberalization

l  Trade-off between growth and inflation

l  Macroeconomic fluctuation

l  Macroeconomic imbalances and structural adjustments

l  Growth and income distribution

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline:     May 2011

Acceptance Notification:         June 2011

Conference Date:             September 2011

Interested authors should submit a full paper to with the subject of “conference paper submission”.

Please format the submission following the Instructions for Submissions, which are available at

Authors of accepted papers are requested to register and present their work at the conference. The 2011 conference fee is free for all accepted paper presenters. The participants only need to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.

 After a standard peer review process, selected papers from the conference will be published in China & World Economy.
