Finance Down Under: Building on The Best-From The Cellars of Finance

新闻动态 · 2010-11-22



  The Department of Finance in the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne is pleased to expand its annual conference series to embrace a new theme: Finance Down Under: Building on the Best from the Cellars of Finance.
  Each year, the Saturday special session will build around a vintage work that has inspired advances and withstood the test of time. The Friday sessions will be open to papers from all areas in Finance. We invite you to join us, March 10-12, 2011 in delightful late-summer Melbourne, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1961 classic, "Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares," by Miller and Modigliani. 
  Submissions are invited that embody the best in current theory and empirical advances in corporate finance or asset valuation for the regular Friday sessions. In addition, papers are invited for the special symposium session devoted to new research on distribution policy, growth and valuation.    
  In all, 15 competitive paper slots are available. Each presenting author is eligible for up to AU$2000 towards airfare and accommodation costs. To ensure the highest quality interaction, overall attendance will be limited to 60. The program outline is as follows.   
  Evening of Thursday March 10, 2011:  
  Welcome wine reception     
  Friday March 11:  
  Keynote Addresses: 
  Professor Peter Bossaerts (California Institute of Technology, Swiss Finance Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne) Professor Stephen Ross (MIT)
  Parallel sessions in the morning and afternoon.      
  Morning Saturday March 12: 
  Keynote Address on the past and future of research on distribution policy, growth and valuation: Professor Jeff Pontiff (Boston College)
  Special session on new research on distribution policy, growth and valuation.
  Afternoon Saturday March 12: 
  Tour of the Yarra Valley situated at the eastern boundary of Melbourne followed by dinner in the valley. The valley is best described as Napa circa 1975 - beautiful and peaceful.
  The conference registration fee will include all sessions and functions. For partners and guests, a limited number of social-only registrations will also be available.       
  The deadline for submissions is November 18, 2010. Authors of selected papers will be notified by December 31, 2010.

Please email your submissions to:
  CONTACT:       AnnMaree Murray
  The final program and further details will be available at the conference website that will be posted at:    
  Members of the Conference Selection Committee include:    
  Renee Adams, The University of Queensland
  Anup Agrawal, University of Alabama
  Andrew Ang, Columbia University
  Effi Benmelech, Harvard University
  Simon Benninga, Tel Aviv University
  Utpal Bhattacharya, Indiana University
  Stephen Brown, New York University
  David A. Chapman, Boston College
  Bhagwan Chowdhry, UCLA Anderson
  Lauren H. Cohen, Harvard Business School
  George M. Constantinides, The University of Chicago
  Stephen G. Dimmock, Nanyang Technological University
  Eliezer Fich, Drexel University
  Michael Gallmeyer, University of Virginia
  Neal Galpin, Texas A&M University
  Nicolae Garleanu, University of California, Berkeley
  Ron Giammarino, University of British Colombia
  Ning Gong, The University of New South Wales
  Richard C. Green, Carnegie Mellon University
  David A. Hsieh, Duke University
  Zoran Ivkovich, Michigan State University
  Ravi Jagannathan, Northwestern University
  Marcin Kacperczyk, New York University
  Michael Lemmon, The University of Utah
  Kian Guan Lim, Singapore Management University
  Alexander Ljungqvist, New York University
  Anthony W. Lynch, New York University
  Craig MacKinlay, Wharton University of Pennsylvania
  Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University
  David Musto, Wharton University of Pennsylvania
  Kjell G. Nyborg, University of Zurich
  Maureen O'Hara, Cornell University
  Terrance Odean, University of California, Berkeley
  Krishna Ramaswamy, Wharton University of Pennsylvania
  Jacob Sagi, Vanderbilt
  Anthony Sanders, George Mason University
  Christian Schlag, Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am Main
  Michael Schill, University of Virginia
  Mark Seasholes, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  Tom Smith, The Australian National University
  Per Stromberg, Stockholm School of Economics
  Melvyn Teo, Singapore Management University
  Garry Twite, The Australian National University
  Dimitri Vayanos, London School of Economics
  Jiang Wang, MIT Sloan School of Management
  Mitch Warachka, Singapore Management University
  Russ Wermers, University of Maryland
  David Yermack, New York University
  Joe Zhang, Singapore Management University
  The Organizing Committee will award two Best Paper Awards:
  CEG Research Prize in Corporate Finance:  AU$2000   
  JCP Investment Partners Research Prize in Investments:  AU$5000    
  Bruce D. Grundy, Spencer Martin, Stefan Petry
  The Department of Finance
  Faculty of Business & Economics
  The University of Melbourne
  Victoria 3010 AUSTRALIA 
