新闻动态 · 2010-09-30



After five successful conferences (Capri 2004, Shanghai 2006, Anchorage 2008, Prague 2009, Florence 2010), FIRS is pleased to announce that the next conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, on June 6-8, 2011.


The format resembles that of the Western Finance Association conferences, which cover a broad range of topics in parallel sessions. The topics will include banking, corporate finance, asset pricing, market microstructure, insurance, securitization among others. Both theoretical and empirical papers are encouraged. It is anticipated that most of the participants will be from universities, central banks, regulatory agencies, and international financial organizations.

In addition to the regular sessions, there will be four special sessions on the topic "Lessons from the Crisis: Understanding the Past and Reshaping the Future of Financial Intermediation" cosponsored by the Journal of Financial Intermediation (JFI). When filling out the submission form, authors should indicate whether they want their paper considered for these JFI-FIRS special sessions and also whether they would like their paper considered for publication in a special issue of the JFI. Papers intended for submission to the special issue of the JFI will be given preference for acceptance to these special sessions and will have their JFI submission fees waived. Submissions not accepted in these special sessions will still be considered for a regular session.


The program co-chairs are:

- Ravi Jagannathan (Northwestern University)
- Neal Stoughton (The University of New South Wales)


Papers will be selected based on review by the Program Committee consisting of leading researchers. The submission deadline is November 3, 2010, and the submission fee is $50. 

Please submit your paper in the form of an anonymous Adobe Acrobat PDF file, with the all author(s) - identifying information (usually in the first page of the paper), including any embedded information, removed. Authors will be notified of the Program Committee's decision by February 15, 2011.

Link to the conference paper submission site: http://apps.olin.wustl.edu/firs/papers/

Questions may be addressed to firs2011@kellogg.northwestern.edu
