中国留美经济学会(CES)2009年会Call for Papers

新闻动态 · 2009-01-24



  Chinese Economists Society 2009 Annual Conference Call for Papers

  General Information

  The Chinese Economists Society is pleased to announce the 2009 annual conference will be held June 12-15 in Nanning, co-organized by Guangxi University.  The theme of the conference is Chinese Economic Growth in Regional and Global Context.   Papers focusing on the conference theme will be given preference, although papers on other topics are also welcome.  All fields of specialization within economics are welcome. 

  The CES invites submission of papers and organized sessions.  Topics of particular interest include the following:

  · financial issues, monetary and fiscal policy

  · real estate, housing, and property rights

  · healthcare, aging, pensions, and social welfare

  · labor issues and income inequality

  · agriculture, food security, and markets

  · environment, natural resources and sustainability

  · industrial structure

  · international trade, exchange rates, and global dimension of China’s development

  · China’s economic relation with Asian countries

  · development of western China

  Presenters of selected papers must register by June 1, 2009 else the papers will be canceled.  To encourage broad participation, we restrict each conference participant to presenting no more than one paper in organized or regular sessions.

  Organized Sessions

  Participants are invited to submit proposals for sessions organized around a common theme.  Organized sessions are preferred for the conference program and will be given priority by the conference organizers.

  The organized session should consist of between 3 and 5 papers.  The session chair should submit the title of the session, an overview of the session (up to 400 words), JEL code(s) and keywords for the session, the name of session presenters and discussants and their emails, the title of each paper, and an extended abstract (up to 400 words) for each paper.  Please indicate whether the session will be conducted in English or Chinese at the time of the submission, preferably English.  (Use the sample at the end as a template.)

  Individual papers

  Submission of individual papers should include a title, JEL code(s) and keywords, and an extended abstract (up to 400 words).  Please indicate whether the paper will be presented in English or Chinese at the time of the submission.

  Conference Results

  We have secured special issues from the following journals, all in English, for our conference papers:

  · China Economic Review: the CES official journal, by Elsevier.

  · Contemporary Economic Policy: the WEAI official journal, by Wiley

  · The Chinese Economy: by ME Sharpe.

  · Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies: by Emerald.

  · China Agricultural Economic Review: by Emerald.

  We also plan to publish books in both English and Chinese after the conference. High quality papers will be invited as book chapters.


  March 1, 2009: Deadline for submission

  March 15, 2009: Decisions regarding acceptance or rejection announced via email

  May 15, 2009: Deadline for completed papers to be submitted

  Registration Fees

  Before June 1, 2009

  Regular member (CES Member in good standing): $150/RMB1025

  Non-member: $180/RMB1230

  Student (CES) member: $100/RMB684

  Student non-member & Family members of participants: $115/RMB786

  After June 1, 2009

  Uniform price of $200/RMB1367

  Discounts will be provided to participants from financially challenged institutes within mainland China.

  Details of payment method will be provided at the registration form.

