
新闻动态 · 2008-06-20



  为了促进实验经济学的科研与教学工作的开展,我们邀请了法国里昂第二大学GATE研究所的研究员Stéphane Robin博士来举行题为Experimental Economics: Methods and Results的培训,欢迎校内外有兴趣者参加。时间与地点安排如下。









讲座1:Experimental economics: introduction and methods


李  实教授






讲座2:Individual Choice and Preference Elicitation








讲座3:Game experiment: Fairness and Social preferences


李  实教授




讲座4:Markets Experiments and Institution Design




Stéphane Robin博士 介绍:

Stéphane Robin is Research Associate in economics at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), affiliated with the GATE research institute, at the University Lumière Lyon 2.

He received his Ph.D and M.S. in Applied Economics from Université Pierre Mendès France. His research interests are experimental economics, behavioral economics, preference elicitation, industrial organization and market design.  He has published more than 20 papers about experimental economics on the international journals and conferences in the last several years.


联系电话: 58806092

Experimental Economics: Methods and Results

Stéphane Robin (GATE-CNRS, University of Lyon, France)


This course is an introduction to the use of laboratory experimental economics. The course is design to provide a working knowledge of techniques for conducting laboratory experiments in economics and to illustrate the use of this method with selected researches conducted using experimental methods. Simple experiments will be organized during each session to confront the participants to experimental economics.

Session 1. Experimental economics: introduction and methods

1.1.  Introduction

a.       Experimental economics: What is it?

b.      Economics as an experimental science

c.       What are the purposes of experiments?

d.      An overview of experimental researches in economics

1.2.  Experimental methods

a.       The three rules of experiment: control, control and control

b.      Ingredients of an experiment

c.       Human subjects

d.      Design and conduct of an experiment

1.3.  Illustration: The beauty contest

Short reading list

-         Smith, V. L. "Method in Experiment: Rhetoric and Reality." Experimental Economics 5, no. 2(2002): 91-110.

-         Guala, F. "Experimental Economics, History Of," in S. Durlauf and L. Blume eds., Forthcoming 2nd Edition of the New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2008.

Session 2. Individual Choice and Preference Elicitation


2.1. Individual choice under uncertainty

a.       Choice under risk

b.      Choice over time

2.2.Preference Elicitation

a.       Using experiment to elicit individual preference

b.      An illustration:
"Do French consumers really refuse to buy genetically modified food?

c.       Some methodological concerns

2.3. Illustration: Elicitation for risk aversion

Short reading list

-         Shogren, J. F. "Experimental Methods and Valuation," in K.-G. Mäler and J. Vincent eds., Handbook of Environmental Economics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2004.

-         Harrison, G. W.  and Rutström, E. E. "Risk Aversion in the Laboratory," Working Paper 07-03, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, University of Central Florida, 2007. 2007.

Session 3. Game experiment: Fairness and Social preferences

3.1.    The ultimatum game: from material self-interest to social preferences

b.      Ultimatum game experiment

c.       How to interpret UG experimental results

3.2.    Characterization of social motivation through experiment

a.       Dictator and trust game

b.      Model of social preference

3.3.    Illustration: Trust game

Short reading list:

-  Camerer, Colin F. and Thaler, Richard H. "Anomalies: Ultimatums, Dictators and Manners." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1995, 9(2), pp. 209-19.

-    Fehr, Ernst and Fischbacher, Urs. "Why Social Preferences Matter. The Impact of Non Selfish Motives on Competition, Cooperation and Incentives." Economic Journal, 2002, 112(478), pp. C1-C33.

Session 4. Markets Experiments and Institution Design

4.1.    Market efficiency: good news and bad news from the lab

a.       Create a market in a laboratory

b.      Market for consumer good

c.       Asset market

4.2.    Experiment for market design

a.       Using the lab as a test bed for market design

b.      An illustration in the electricity industry

Short reading list

-         Smith, V., L. (2001) Markets, Institutions and Experiments. Working paper of ICES, Forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, George Mason University.

-         Chen, Yan and Ledyard, John O. "Mechanism Design Experiments," Working Paper. 2006.

Short bibliography

·        Douglas D. Davis and Charles A. Holt. Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press, 1993.

·        Daniel Friedman and Shyam Sunder. Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

·        John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth. The Handbook of Experimental Economics. Princeton University Press, 1995.

·        Charles R. Plott, Vernon L. Smith, Handbook of Results in Experimental Economics, Elsevier, (Forthcoming).

·        Vernon L. Smith, “Microeconomic Systems as an Experimental Science,” The American Economic Review, Vol. 72, No. 5. (Dec., 1982), pp. 923-955.
