
新闻动态 · 2008-05-26



时 间:                     

2008年6月2日    星期一 上午9:00 - 11:00                                   
地 点:


主   持  人:     

  肖耿,清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心主任,美国布鲁金斯学会 资深研究员

发   言  人:              

  Jack Rivkin, 诺贝投资(Neuberger Berman)执行副总裁、首席投资官及私人资产管理主任

  Jack L. Rivkin是诺贝投资执行副总裁、首席投资官及私人资产管理主任,同时也是诺贝投资行政管理委员会成员。作为研究范式转向对影响投资的工作的一部分,Jack Rivkin先生在过去几年中曾就气候变化向广大听众发表过多次演讲。他是莱曼兄弟气候变化委员会(Lehman Brothers Climate Change Council)的一员,并且是诺贝投资气候变化顾问委员会证券投资基金(Neuberger Berman Climate Change Mutual Fund)主席团的成员之一。

  Jack Rivkin在1968年 成为Mitchell Hutchins的调查分析员,开始了他的投资生涯,后来他成为了Mitchell Hutchins的研究主管。在Paine Webber收购Mitchell Hutchins以后,Rivkin先生先后担任了不同的职位,如研究主管、控股公司CFO、PaineWebber Mitchell Hutchins(PaineWebber的资本交易及投资公司)总裁及CEO、Mitchell Hutchins资产管理主席以及PaineWebber Capital总裁。他曾担任全球研究主任,随后出任莱曼兄弟有限公司全球证券研究部主任(1987-1992),Smith Barney (后来的花旗银行子公司) 全球研究部的副董事长、主任(1993-1995),花旗投资 (Citigroup Investments)执行副总裁(1995-2001),负责私人权益资本投资。2002年他加入诺贝投资。

  Rivkin先生与人合著的书籍《风险与回报——风险投资和美国大工业的形成》(Risk & Reward -- Venture Capital and the Making of America's Great Industries)1987年由兰登书屋(Random House)出版。Rivkin先生是各种媒体,如CNBC 和Bloomberg的常任嘉宾,哈佛商学院的案例经常引用他在莱曼兄弟担任研究部主管和证券研究部主任的经历。Rivkin先生是卡内基公司(Dale Carnegie and Associates Inc)和纽约证券分析师协会(New York Society of Security Analysts)主任,纽约经济俱乐部(Economic Club of New York)和Anglers Club of New York的成员,并且他本人一直是一位积极的私有股权投资者。



The Impact of Climate Change on the Investment Climate


  Monday June 2, 2008 9:00 - 11:00

  Room 208
  School of Public Policy & Management,
  Tsinghua University


  Geng XIAO, Director, Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy and Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution


  Jack Rivkin, Executive Vice President, Chief Investment Officer and Head of Private Asset Management, Neuberger Berman

  Jack L. Rivkin is Executive Vice President, Chief Investment Officer of Neuberger Berman and Head of Private Asset Management.  He is also a member of Neuberger's Executive Management Committee. As a part of his work on paradigm shifts affecting investments, Mr. Rivkin has spoken on the subject of Climate Change to a wide variety of audiences over the last several years.  He is a member of Lehman Brothers Climate Change Council and chairs the Advisory Board to the Neuberger Berman Climate Change mutual fund which he championed within the firm.

  Mr. Rivkin began his investment career in 1968 as a research analyst at Mitchell Hutchins, and became Director of Research there.  After Paine Webber acquired Mitchell Hutchins, Mr. Rivkin served in a variety of positions including, director of Research, CFO of the parent company; president and CEO of PaineWebber Mitchell Hutchins – the equity trading and investment arm of PaineWebber; chairman of Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management and president of PaineWebber Capital.  From 1987 to 1992 he was Director of Global Research and, subsequently Head of the Worldwide Equities Division of Lehman Brothers Inc.  From 1993 to 1995, Mr. Rivkin served as vice chairman and director of Global Research at Smith Barney (ultimately a subsidiary of Citigroup).  He was an executive vice president with Citigroup Investments from 1995 through 2001, responsible for private equity investments.  He joined Neuberger Berman in 2002. 

  Mr. Rivkin is the co-author of "Risk & Reward -- Venture Capital and the Making of America's Great Industries," Random House, 1987.  He is a regular guest on various media including CNBC and Bloomberg.  He is the principal subject in a series of Harvard Business School cases describing his experience as Director of Research and Head of Equities at Lehman Brothers.  He is a director of Dale Carnegie and Associates Inc. and the New York Society of Security Analysts, a member of the Economic Club of New York and the Anglers Club of New York.  He continues to be an active private equity investor.

  Mr. Rivkin earned his professional Engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines and his MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

