
新闻动态 · 2007-01-03



Call for Papers

The 14th International Conference on Panel Data  (2007)

 The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE),Xiamen University                                                                                            

July 16-18, 2007

The Program Committees invite submissions of high quality papers from academic, government, and business economists in the field of panel data economics. Proposals for the organization of Special Sessions on specific topics (including special applications to Chinese economy) are also welcome.  Please submit (electronic submission) the paper through the conference web site at http://wwww.wise.xmu.edu.cn/panel2007/index.asp  and the status of submissions can be viewed at the above conference web site.  When submitting a paper please ensure you include the JEL classification and the general title of the session which best represents the subject of your paper,   i.e. Financial applications, International Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Panels, Measure of Dependence.  Notification of acceptance will be provided before March 31. Partial travel support for presenters is possible, subject to the budget constraint and the recommendation of the program committees. Inquiries should be sent via email to Dr. Chor-yin Sin at cysin@xmu.edu.cn or Dr. Ying Fang at yifst1@xmu.edu.cn or Ms. Yousu Xu at (592) 218-1003 and ysxu@xmu.edu.cn

Scientific Committee

Manuel Arellano (CEMFI, Madrid)
Badi Baltagi (Syracuse University)
Jinyong Hahn (UCLA)
Almas Heshmati (United Nations University)

    Bo Honore (Princeton University)

    Cheng Hsiao (University of Southern California)

       Jan Kiviet (University of Amsterdam)

Jaya Krishnakumar (University of Geneva)
Michael Lechner (University of St. Gallen)

Jacques Mairesse (CREST-INSEE and NBER)

Esfandiar Maasoumi (Southern Methodist   University)



Laszlo Matyas (Central European University)

Marc Nerlove (University of Maryland)
Hashem Pesaran (University of Cambridge)

Peter Schmidt (Michigan State University)

Patrick Sevestre (Universitiy of Paris -Panthéon Sorbonne)
Alain Trognon (GENES, INSEE)

Tom Wansbeek (University of Groningen)
Jeffrey Wooldridge (Michigan State University)

 Organizing Committee

Zongwu Cai (University of North Carolina)
 Ying Fang  (Xiamen University)
Yongmiao Hong (Chair)  (Cornell University


Maozu Lu (University of Southampton)          
Chor-yin Sin (Xiamen University)
Pingfang Zhu (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)


Xiamen University was founded in 1921 by Mr. Tan Kah-Kee, a well-known oversea Chinese patriot. The university is located on the resort-like island of Xiamen which has a reputation of "Garden over the Sea" and has direct flights to many major cities in Asia. Thanks to the contribution and influence of the late president, Professor Wang Yanan, a prominent economist who first translated Marx's Das Kapital into Chinese, economics study in Xiamen University has been among the very top programs in China. The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics is a recent effort of the Ministry of Education of China and Xiamen University to build a first class research institute and facilitate domestic and international research and academic exchanges.
