Welcome to Toulouse University of Social Science

新闻动态 · 2006-10-23



Welcome to Toulouse University of Social Science


Dear all,

      As you know, in the past two decades, has IDEI obtained its world-wide reputation as one of the best institute in Economics, especially in Industrial Organization and Contract Theory, which is a miracle made by its founder, Jean-Jacques Laffont who passed away in May 2004, as well as many brilliant economists, such Jean Tirole, Jacques Cremer and Patrick Rey.  As a result, the school of economics in Toulouse University of Social Science, in which the researchers of IDEI are affiliated, has grown rapidly within 20 years, with its ranking jumped to top 20 in the world in 2004 (see the ranking in econphd.net, for instance).  While the whole level of its research is not balanced, with relatively weak fields in Macro and Econometrics, it is unquestionable that the research level in Industrial Organization, Contract Theory, Public Economics and Micro-Finance are ranked in top 10.

     In the middle of 1990s,  Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jacques Cremer created a new school for economic education, namely, Midi Pyrénées School of Economics (MPSE) in Toulouse University of Social Science, which aims to provide a high level doctoral program according to the prevalent model in top universities in USA. It is now proved to be the best doctoral program of Economics in Europe; and many excellent graduated students have got positions in some top universities, such as Northwestern University and Chicago University.

    Doctoral students in MPSE benefit from rich academic resources in IDEI: more than 200 high quality seminars each year, many high quality and advanced course, especially in contract theory and IO, and excellent work shops. Perhaps, the most attractive are the Ph.d courses of “economics and psychology” delivered by Jean Tirole, and “advanced IO” taught by Jean Tirole, Patrick Rey and Bruno Jullien; they are of the best in the world.

    The scholarship of MPSE, as everyone concerned, is of two stages. First stage, in the master’s level, the school will help the excellent applicants to apply for French Government Scholarship, which is for one year (about 1100 Euros each month, which is two times of individuals living expenditure). At the end of first academic year, only about 15 among the total 60 students can get the permission as a Ph.D candidate through competition, and will be entitled scholarships for three years, with the same amount of master’s level.  Hence, competition is relative strict, in order to warrant the quality of doctoral students.

    In MPSE, courses as well as seminars are delivered in English, and all professors can speak English. So, language is not an obstacle in study. Of course, if you can learn some basic French in several months before you going to France, it will be quite useful in your life. Nevertheless, you can find many Chinese students to help you in dealing with some affairs if you cannot speak French.

     In the past years, there is a rapid growth of Chinese applicants for MPSE, but less of them have got permissions, because most of them have weak background in economics and mathematics.  Graduate students who have received strict training in Economics and mathematics are especially welcome. Although no GRE and TOFEL scores are required as a basic condition, strong recommendations from famous professors are required as a necessary condition for application, and an enclosed working paper well-written in English is greatly useful for your application.

    Pleas note that, for applicants who want to apply for scholarship of MPSE must submit all the materials before December 20th, (no submission fee is required).


Study in MPSE is full of interest and challenge; while life in Toulouse is calm and comfortable, with wonderful sunshine, excellent French food, great wines, and elegant and romantic French girls.

I forward the email from Madamme Aude for the detailed information about application.

Best regards and good luck!

Zhijun CHEN


Dear potential applicant,

Information about the MPSE programm is at:


We are specialized in quantitative economics and a very high level in Mathematics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics is required to attend the courses. Competition is quite important and only the best students are accepted by the selection committee. Each master 2 R can accept 25 to 30 students. All courses are taught in English. With a B Sc in Economics you are eligible for the M 2 (second year of the Master - that is also the first year of our Graduate program). If the selection committee thinks that your theoretical level is not high enough they might offer you a seat in the M 1 (first year of the Master). Enclosed you will find the application material of last year as an example. But you could use it for next academic year (by changing the date) if you want to apply now.....for the 2007/2008 academic year. Application material for 2007/2008 will be available in November. We need also a short C.V., a letter of interest (academic purpose), all your transcripts at University level, GRE and TOEFL scores, and 3 letters of recommendation from your professors along with their own form. We are beginning our review of applications in November.  Deadline to apply is June 15.

Information on courses content at:


The University is in central town. The academic year begins the first week of October. Tuition is around 300 Euros for the whole year. Living expenses at Toulouse are at least 700 to 800 Euros per month. In France all universities are public institutions. Tuition is very low but Universities have no fund at all to help students. All scholarships are given by the Government. Deadline to apply to the Eiffel grants is in January thus we have to receive your application before the end of  December if you want us to support your candidacy to these Bourses d’excellence See :  http://www.egide.asso.fr/uk/programmes/eiffel/

Best regards

Aude Schloesing

Midi-Pyrenees School of Economics, Universite de Toulouse 1

Manufacture des Tabacs 31042  Toulouse Cedex  (France)

Tel:  + 33 (0)5 61 12 87 65  Fax:  + 33 (0)5 61 12 86 37

Email: mpse@univ-tlse1.fr

Website http://www.univ-tlse1.fr/98257912/0/fiche___pagelibre/

