
新闻动态 · 2005-06-06




地点:清华大学舜德楼 多功能厅


The 2005 Summer Workshop
On Industrial Organization and Management Strategy
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
June 8-9,2005
June 7, 2005
6:30pm—9:00pm Welcome Reception

                             Tsinghua Unisplendour International Center


June 8, 2005
8:20—8:50am     Signing in

                            Multi-Function Hall, 4th floor of Shunde Building, Tsinghua University


8:50—9:00 am     Welcome Remarks

Chong-En Bai, Department of Economics

School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Daokui Li, Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), Tsinghua University


Session 1:           Chair: Ivan Png


9:00—9:30am             Michael Riordan, Columbia University

“Price and Variety in the Spokes Model”


9:30—10:00am   Hao Wang, CCER, Peking University 

“Inventories, Manufacture Returns Policies, and Equilibrium Price Dispersion under Demand Uncertainty”


10:00—10:30am       Yongmin Chen, University of Colorado

“Buyer Investment , Product Variety ,and Intrafirm Trade”



10:30—10:45am        Coffee/Tea Break


Session 2:           Chair: Changqi Wu


10:45-11:15am  Kongpin Chen, Academia Sinica , Taiwan

“Internal Control vs External Manipulation: A Model of Corporate Income Tax Evasion”


11:15-11:45pm        Daokui Li,     Tsinghua University

“The Soft Budget Constraint of Banks”


11:45-12:15pm         Yijiang Wang, Tsinghua University and University of Minnesota

“Demand, Supply and Coordination: An Integrated Theory of the Division       of Labor”


12:15-2:00pm            Lunch


Session 3:            Chair: Guofu Tan


2:00—2:30pm    Patrick Bajari, University of Michigan

                “Bidding for Incomplete Contracts: An Empirical Analysis”


2:30—3:00pm    Larry Qiu, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

                “Contract Geography: An Empirical Analysis of Contracting in China”


3:00-3:30pm     Lixin Xu, GSM, Peking University and World Bank

“Ownership, Competition and Downsizing Effects: An Evaluation of the

 Labor Restructuring Program in Chinese Firms”


3:30—3:45 pm    Coffee/Tea Break 


Session 4:            Chair: Tom Ross


3:45—4:15pm    Hongmin Chen, Shanghai JiaoTong University

               “Substitution Effect between Network Externality and Economy of Scale”


4:15-4:45pm     Hongbin Li, Chinese University of Hong Kong

“Why Do Entrepreneurs Enter Politics?”


4:45—5:15pm     Changqi Wu, GSM, Peking University

“The Game of the Name: Firm's Diversification Strategy in a Transition Economy


5:30—6:15pm             Break, Campus Tour   


6:30—8:30pm     Dinner



June 9,2005
Session 5:           Chair: Michael Riordan


8:30—9:00am   Thomas Ross, University of British Columbia

“Sustaining Cooperation with Joint Ventures”      


9:00—9:30am   Wen Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

“Large is Beautiful: Horizontal Mergers for Better Exploitation of Business Shocks”


9:30-10:00am   Guofu Tan, Tsinghua University and University of Southern California

“Competition and Settlement Rates in International Telephone Markets”


10:00—10:15am   Coffee/Tea Break


Session 6:           Chair: Patrick Bajari


10:15-10:45am       Ivan Png, National University of Singapore

“Copyright Duration and the Supply of Creative Work”


10:45-11:15am        Guangzhou Hu, National University of Singapore

“A Great Wall of Patents: What's behind China's Recent Patent Explosion?”


11:15-11:45am   Li-an Zhou, GSM, Peking University

“Political Connections and Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese     Private Firms”


11:45—12:00   Coffee/Tea Break


Session 7:           Chair:    Daokui Li


12:00-12:30pm        Ping Lin, Lingnan University

“Multinational Firms, Exclusivity, and Backward Linkages”


12:30-1:00pm   Julan Du, Chinese University of Hong Kong 

“Insourcing, Outsourcing or Both in the Global Economy”


1:00-1:30pm   Chong-En Bai, Tsinghua University

                “An Empirical Study on the Benefits of Privatization in China”


1:30-2:00pm        Weiying Zhang, GSM, Peking University

                            “to be Determined”



2:00pm          Lunch



Program Committee: Chong-En Bai, Tsinghua University

                     Ivan Png, National University of Singapore

                                          Guofu Tan, Tsinghua University and U. of South California

Changqi Wu, Peking University


Organizer and Sponsor: Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University


Center for China in the World Economy

at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Contact Phones:         Miss Li Wang:  (86) 10-62796901(o)  

Miss Yu Wang:  (86) 10-6277 3181(o) 13671034807(m)

Chong-En Bai:  (86) 10 -62773183 (o)

