Perspective of the Chinese Economy: Opportunities and Challenges

新闻动态 · 2004-07-16



Perspective of the Chinese Economy: Opportunities and Challenges
An International Symposium in Conjunction with

CCER’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration

China Center for Economic Research
Peking University
Sponsored by
The Ford Foundation

The ten years since CCER was founded in 1994 have been a critical period for China in terms of both her economic growth and institutional transition. Building on the past achievements, these ten years have witnessed the establishment of the market, privatization of the SOEs, emergence of a dynamic private sector, opening-up of the urban labor market to rural migrants, and China’s accession to the WTO. After a quarter century of continuous reforms, China’s transition to the market economy has nearly finished. It is time for us to fold the past and look into the future. It is against this background that CCER is preparing an international symposium “Perspective of the Chinese Economy: Opportunities and Challenges” in conjunction with her tenth anniversary celebration scheduled for September 16-17, 2004. The aim of the symposium is to bring international as well as domestic experts to summarize China’s transition experience in the last quarter century and identify the major opportunities and challenges that China will face in the next quarter century. The Ford Foundation has generously committed financial supports for the conference.

The symposium will invite 10 international experts and 20 domestic experts to participate. These are leading experts on the Chinese economy and the topics that they will cover are pressing issues that China will have to find a solution in the near future, so their opinions will be valuable for government policy-making. CCER will issue a series of newsletters summarizing all the papers presented in the conference. These newsletters will be distributed to a wide audience including major policy makers and academic researchers. A book volume of the conference papers will be published after the conference. In addition, the conference will be held in conjecture with other CCER activities such as a roundtable conference of the deans of the economics departments around the country. So the conference will make a definitive impact on current policy debate as well as on domestic academic research.



