UNU-WIDER: Essay Competition

新闻动态 · 2004-08-26



UNU-WIDER Project on Inequality and Poverty in China

  UNU-WIDER is holding an essay competition as part of its project on inequality and poverty in China. It is open to anyone who submits a paper on measurement, causes, consequences, policy options or any other aspect of poverty and inequality in China. Preference will be given to those who are nationals and residents of developing countries. Females and young researchers are particularly welcome. In addition to the prizes, all winners will be invited to attend a conference to be held in China next April or a workshop to be held in Europe next summer. However, financial support for conference/ workshop attendance is limited to one author per paper.
  Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 15000 words in length. In exceptional cases, papers in Chinese may be considered. The cover page must include the nationality and current affiliation of each author. In cases of joint authorship, the prize will be divided equally among the authors.

  Submission deadline: 1 December 2004-8-26

  Announcement of winners: 15 January 2005

  Send MS Word/PDF file to: wan@wider.unu.edu.

  First Prize(one only) US$2000. Second Prize (two) US$1000. Third Prize(three) US$500.

  Papers will be selected by a committee comprising Tony Shorrocks of UNU-WIDER, Chair of the Committee), Guanghua Wan(Project Co-Director), Cai Fang(Project Co-Director), John Bonin (editor, Journal of comparative Economics),Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University), and Li Shi (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences).
