Call For Papers: Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization

新闻动态 · 2003-02-28



Call For Papers:

Chinese Economists Society 2003 Conference on Chinese Economy After WTO:
Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization
Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 2-3, 2003

The University of Michigan will host conference on China's Economy After WTO: Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization, co-sponsored by the Chinese Economist Society (CES), Sichuan University Business School, and the Universit of Michigan, in Ann Arbor on August 2-3, 2003.

Papers are invited on any issues related to the conference's theme, especially the following topics: (1) foreign direct investment in China and Chinese investment abroad; (2) China's international trade; (3) sustainability of China's economic growth, (4) SOE reforms and unemployment, (5) globalization and income distribution; (6) economic restructuring and private sector development; (7) financial sector development; (8) public finance and fiscal policy; (9) labor market development; (10) urbanization and regional development.

This conference will offer an opportunity for professors, researchers, and graduate students to better understand recent development and trend of Chinese economy, exchange views, and initiate collaborative research projects. Well-known economists from U.S. and China will be invited to the conference to deliver keynote speeches and to participate in discussions.  The CES plans to publish a book including selected conference papers.  Selected papers may be also published in a special issue of a professional journal. For more information, please visit the conference web site at

Abstract Submission:

Interested participants should send an abstract no longer than 250 words to the Program Committee, preferably by email, along with the name, title, affiliation, contact information of the author(s).


February 25, 2003 - Deadline for abstracts
March 15, 2003 - Notification of paper acceptance
July 15, 2003 - Deadline for completed papers

Registration Fee for the Conference:

Registration before April 15, 2003: US$40.00.
Registration after April 15, 2003: US$60.00.
Full-time student: US$20.00.

We encourage you to use the online registration form at to register by yourself and send your registration fee in check (payable to the Chinese Economist Society) to local committee.


Accommodations participants are available free at the student dormitory during the conference with a maximum of three nights (8/1-3). Please visit for more details.


The conference will provide limited travel subsidy to conference participants. Please visit for details about the transportation to Ann Arbor.


Dr. Shuming Bao
Suite 3630, 1080 S. University Ave.
China Data Center, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
TEL: (734) 647-9610
FAX: (734) 763-5540
