北大黄卓获Richard Stone最佳论文奖

新闻动态 · 2014-10-21



近日,应用计量经济学领域的国际权威期刊Journal of Applied Econometrics宣布,将其2012-2013年度“Richard Stone最佳论文奖”授予北京大学国家发展研究院助教授黄卓(与Peter Reinhard Hansen 和 Howard Howan Shek合著)在2012年9月发表的论文“Realized GARCH: A Joint Model for Returns and Realized Measures of Volatility”。

金融资产的波动率建模是金融学理论和实务中的核心问题。广义自回归条件异方差(GARCH)类模型凭借其简便的参数估计方法和较准确的预测效果,成为波动率建模的基准模型。然而,当波动率剧烈变化时(如金融危机时期),GARCH类模型则表现不佳,因为这类模型利用日度收益率来更新未来的波动率预测。在市场动荡的环境中,该信号包含很强的噪音。利用高频金融数据,可以计算日波动率的已实现测度(realized measures of volatility),其包含的关于波动性信息的精确性明显优于日度收益率。黄卓老师及其合作者通过将已实现测度和传统的GARCH模型巧妙相结合,提出了一个全新的波动率建模框架Realized GARCH,能够对波动率的突然变化进行迅速更新,其预测效果显著优于GARCH类模型。

在学术贡献上,这篇论文将高频数据已实现波动率这一热门领域和GARCH这一传统领域的联系在一起,受到金融计量学术界较大的关注。自2012年发表以来,该论文多次被权威期刊发表的论文所引用,两年内Google Scholar引用达上百次。 同时,由于Realized GARCH兼顾随机波动率(stochastic volatility)模型的灵活性和GARCH类模型的易处理性,而且这一框架具有良好的可扩展性,在金融波动率和相关性预测、衍生品定价和风险管理领域具有广泛的应用潜力,已经被数本近年出版的金融计量专著和教材所介绍,同时已有华尔街金融公司将其应用到投资实践。

“Realized GARCH: A Joint Model for Returns and Realized Measures of Volatility” Hansen, Peter Reinhard; Huang, Zhuo; Shek, Howard Howan Shek. Journal of Applied Econometrics (September 2012): 877-906.

We introduce a new framework, Realized GARCH, for the joint modeling of returns and realized measures of volatility. A key feature is a measurement equation that relates the realized measure to the conditional variance of returns. The measurement equation facilitates a simple modeling of the dependence between returns and future volatility. Realized GARCH models with a linear or log-linear specification have many attractive features. They are parsimonious, simple to estimate, and imply an ARMA structure for the conditional variance and the realized measure. An empirical application with Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks and an exchange traded index fund shows that a simple Realized GARCH structure leads to substantial improvements in the empirical fit over standard GARCH models that only use daily returns.
