
新闻动态 · 2014-11-14




本网讯(记者  绳晓春)2014年11月8日至11月9日,由信息系统协会主办的2014信息系统与技术研讨会(Conference on Information Systems and Technology,简称CIST)在美国旧金山召开。Google首席经济学家范里安(Hal Varian)参加会议并发表题为《如何使用Google数据》的演讲。

浙江大学管理学院管理科学与工程学系的陈熹副教授及其合作者的论文获得最佳论文奖。该论文题为“Social Influence in Online Social Games: Understanding its Effect on Willingness to Play and Willingness to Play.”目前,在线多人游戏逐渐成为一个高价值行业,该行业流行使用Freemium模式,也就是付费与免费模式共存。通常只需要少数付费玩家即可使游戏获得盈利。很多其他在线服务也采用这种方式。陈熹副教授的论文旨在通过计量模型分析社交关系对于玩家所投入的游戏时间及金钱消费的影响。该论文的特点在于解决了数据中不均衡的0值分布,并控制了个体差异以及同质性影响,从而将社交关系影响分离出来。

CIST是由INFORMS信息系统学部(Information Systems Society)举办的年会会议。信息系统领域顶级期刊Information Systems Research(ISR)为该学部的旗舰期刊。本次会上共有6篇论文获得最佳论文提名。




陈熹,Bose, I., Leung, A.C.M, Guo, C. “Assessing the Severity of Phishing Attacks: A Hybrid Data Mining Approach” Decision Support Systems, 50(4),2011,662-672。(SCI)

Li, M., Dong, Z.Y. and 陈熹*. “Factors influencing consumption experience of mobile commerce: A study from experiential view,”Internet Research, 22(2), 2012。(SSCI/SCIE)

Liu, Y.,陈熹*, and Wang X. “Evaluating the readiness of government portal websites in China to adopt contemporry public administration principles,” Government Information Quarterly, 录用,即将发表。(SSCI/SCIE)

Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Exploring Business Opportunities from Mobile Service Data of Customers Using Inter-cluster Analysis,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,9(3),2010,197-208。(SCIE/SSCI)

Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “A framework for context sensitive services: a knowledge discovery based approach,” Decision Support Systems, 48(1), 2009, 158-168。(SCI)

Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Quantitative models for direct marketing: a review from systems perspective,” European Journal of Operational Research, 195(1), 2009, 1-16。(SSCI/SCI)

Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “Hybrid models using unsupervised clustering for prediction of customer churn,” Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce,19(2), 133-151。(SSCI/SCI)

Bose, I. and 陈熹*. “A Method for Extension of Generative Topographic Mapping for Fuzzy Clustering,” Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2), 2009, 363-371。(SSCI/SCIE)

