
新闻动态 · 2015-06-12





A very warm welcome to Bridging the Infrastructure Gap: How can Public-Private Partnerships Help Deliver Better Services? Thank you for your interest in public-private partnerships (PPPs). We, the World Bank Group course team are delighted that you have enrolled for this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), which begins on June 1, 2015. We already know that you are interested in PPPs; beyond that, we assume that your reasons for signing up for this MOOC vary greatly.

Whether you are a policy maker, civil society representative, or student, we hope that this MOOC and its learning resources, activities, and social elements will provide you with a broad overview of PPP concepts and a basic understanding the role of PPPs in the delivery of infrastructure services. By directly addressing the opportunities and challenges of procuring and maintaining infrastructure through effective PPPs, you will learn about when a PPP is the right choice, what is involved in preparing PPPs that attract partners that will deliver, and how change is managed if a PPP takes an unpredictable turn. 

In this course, you will learn about current practices and perspectives on PPPs from over 20 government officials, practitioners, and other PPP experts from all over the world. You will also experience some of the powerful benefits that come from studying in a MOOC: networking with your peers from all over the world, experimenting with digital and visual ways of representing knowledge about PPPs, and connecting the dots between PPPs and infrastructure needs around the globe.

Why is gaining a comprehensive understanding of PPPs so important today? Developing country governments face immense challenges to finance, implement and maintain infrastructure to deliver and sustain basic services to their citizens and foster economic growth. Despite meaningful strides made in emerging markets in recent years, many people still do not have access to reliable and safe basic services. PPPs have been shown that they are able, under the right circumstances, to facilitate growth and improve service provision.

How this course works 

This MOOC is structured around a four-week program, which includes video talks by PPP experts and practitioners from governments, academia, and international financial institutions, and resources and activities for you to engage in during each of the four weeks.

You will be able to choose a track to follow for your learning, either a ‘PPP Awareness’ or a ‘Policy and Practice’ track, depending on your interests and professional context. The PPP Awareness Track is suitable for anyone with an interest in PPPs. The Policy and Practice Track is geared towards policy makers with an interest in PPPs but not directly involved in their development. Consequently, this track provides more insight into the “how tos” behind PPPs.

The Policy and Practice Track involves connecting with others in similar positions all over the world, and developing new networks of practice around PPPs issues.

In order to pass the course and receive a Statement of Accomplishment, you must complete a number of quizzes based on the core videos and readings each week that will sharpen your skills of analysis, reflection, and communication. These core resources and quizzes will take around one to two hours per week to complete. To do this, you will follow the PPP Awareness Track.

You also have the opportunity in the Policy and Practice Track to delve much deeper into the issues by engaging in networking and discussions, preparing assignments, and accessing our rich selection of additional resources. These activities will take around two to four hours per week to complete.

We hope this message has sparked your appetite for the course. Please let others know about the course by forwarding the welcome email and inviting them to sign up at this link. You can also join in conversations now using Twitter and the course hashtag #pppmooc.

To get started, look at the list of links in the left hand column. These will take you directly to more course information, from details regarding how to study in the course, to the interactive course forums, to the weekly topics, resources and activities. If you have not done so already, please take 5 minutes to complete the pre-course survey
