
新闻动态 · 2015-08-05



The International Economic Association (IEA) is happy to announce the first Stiglitz Essay Prize (SEP) in honourof the past President of the association, Joseph E. Stiglitz. This prize is possible thanks to the generous donation  that the Economic Society of Australia pledged to the IEA.
Joseph E. Stiglitz is University Professor at Columbia University. In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize ineconomics for his analyses of markets with asymmetric information. He was the President of the InternationalEconomic Association from 2011 to 2014.
The winner of the Stiglitz Essay Prize will be announced in early 2016, with the prize presentation to be made in aceremony at the next IEA World Congress in 2017. The winner of the Stiglitz Essay Prize will win 1,000 USD,and the runner(s)-up will receive 500 USD. The winning essay and runner(s) up will be published on the IEA web site.
The prize is open to any student in full time study. The essay can be up to 5,000 words on one of the subjectsbelow. There will be a pre-selection process in charge of a team of school judges selected by the IEA. The short-listed essays will go to the judges: Joseph E. Stiglitz (Columbia University and IEA past President), Timothy  Besley (London School of Economics and IEA President) and Kaushik Basu (World Bank and IEA President  Elect).
To be eligible for the prize, submitted essays should be on one of two broad themes reflecting Professor Stiglitz’sinterests:
‐  The causes and policy consequences of growing inequality
‐  The reconstruction of macro-economics and proposals for new approaches that speak to the weaknessesin modelling revealed by the 2008 global crisis
All applicants are asked to note the following criteria:
‐  Only one essay per person will be accepted
‐  The maximum word count for essays is 5,000 words (the word count should appear at the end of eachessay)
‐  The word count includes footnotes, but excludes references and bibliography.
‐  All of those who submit an essay should submit proof through a signed letter from an appropriate officialat an academic institution that he or she is currently registered as a full-time student.
‐  No revisions to entries are permitted once submitted
‐  Please note that entries to the competition should be unique (i.e. not published elsewhere or submitted toother essay competitions.)
‐  Entries must be submitted in either Microsoft Word (doc, docx) format or PDF format. No other formatsare acceptable.
The deadline for submitting essays is Tuesday 1 September 2015 at 2359 hours (GMT).
Please send submissions to the IEA Secretariat on iea@iea-world.org indicating in the subject your name asfollows: SEP_LAST NAME_Name.
Any queries on the competition should be also addressed to the IEA Secretariat on the same email address.
