日本一桥大学- 北大首届经济贸易与发展研讨会

新闻动态 · 2016-02-24



Hitotsubashi-Peking University
First Economic Workshop on Trade & Development
March. 3-4, 2016
2nd Floor, Wanzhong Building
CCER, Peking University
Organized by: School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
National School of Development, Peking University

March 3
8:45-9:00 Registration

9:00-9:10 Opening Ceremony
        Addressed by: Prof. Taiji Furusawa, Assistant President of Hitotsubashi Univ.
                    Prof. Yang Yao, Dean of National School Development, Peking Univ.
                                Director, CCER, Peking Univ.

Section 1 Chair: Prof. Yang Yao
Prof. Jota Ishikawa, Hitotsubashi University
“Emissions trading and international trade” (with Kazuharu Kiyono and Morihiro Yomogida)

Prof. Tianyang Xi, Peking University
“Leaders' Education and Economic Liberalization” (with Jingheng Li and Yang Yao)

11:10-11:30 Coffee Break

Prof. Yoichi Sugita, Hitotsubashi University
“A Solution to the Melitz-Trefler Puzzle” (with Paul S. Segerstrom)

12:30-2:00:  Lunch Break: Lunch at conference room

Section 2 Chair: Prof. Jota Ishikawa
Prof. Taiji Furusawa, Hitotsubashi University
“Offshoring, Relationship-Specificity, and Domestic Production Networks” (with Keiko Ito, Tomohiko Inui, and Heiwai Tang)

Prof. Miaojie Yu, Peking University
“Measured Wage Inequality and Input Trade Liberalization: Evidence form Chinese Firms”
(with Bo Chen and Zhihao Yu)

4:00-4:20 Coffee Break

Prof. Qing Liu, University of International Business and Economics
“Intermediate Input Imports and Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Firms” (with Larry Qiu)

March 4
Section 3 Chair: Prof. Taiji Furusawa
Prof. Yukichi Mano, Hitotsubashi University
“Changing saving and investment behavior: the impact of financial literacy training and reminders on micro-businesses”

Prof. Changhua Yu, Peking University
“A New Dilemma: Capital Controls and Monetary Policy in Sudden Stop Economies”
(with Michael B. Devereux, Eric R. Young)

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

Section 4 Chair: Prof. Miaojie Yu
Prof. Takashi Kurosaki, Hitotsubashi University
“Informality and Micro Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries: Empirical Findings from Delhi, India”

Prof. Yong Wang, Hongkong University of Science & Technology
“Industrial Upgrading, Structural Change and Middle-Income Trap" (with Justin Lin)

Lunch and Adjourn

