
新闻动态 · 2016-03-11





        新结构经济学夏令营是为促进新结构经济学的传播、普及、培养后备学术和实践人才而举办的学术集训活动,面向海内外优秀青年学子招生。迄今为止,夏令营已成 功举办两届,第一、二届分别于2014年6月和2015年7月举办,每届营期约6-7天,营员在50人左右,分别来自国内和国际高校、科研院所和其它机构 等。夏令营邀请了国内外知名学者授课,在密集的讲座、问答、展示和讨论外,还安排赴外地实地调研的特色环节,将理论学习与实践探索有机结合,颇获好评


        本届夏令营是北京大学新结构经济学研究中心正式成立后举办的第一届,与以往相比,授课阵容更为强大(详见下方),课程体系更为完整,拟安排赴苏州工业 园区进行为期一天的实地考察,以期获得关于工业园区的感性认识和第一手数据。夏令营还将选出优秀的研究计划书,进行表彰和后续研究资助。







The 3rd Summer School on New Structural Economics

July 18 – July 24, Peking University, Beijing, China


Proposed and championed by Professor Justin Yifu Lin, New Structural Economics (NSE) applies a neoclassical approach to study the determinants of structural change with a special focus on how to help developing countries achieve economic transformation. The NSE has been endorsed by renowned economists worldwide, including more than 10 Nobel Laureates such as Joseph Stiglitz, Gary Becker and Michael Spence, and is taken as the third wave in development economics after Structuralism and neoliberalism.


The 3rd Summer School on New Structural Economics at Peking University aims to select a core group of postgraduate students and junior researchers who are keen to learn theoretical frameworks, empirical application, and methodology of New Structural Economics.


Leading scholars will give lectures on the following frontier topics:

  • Justin Yifu Lin, New Structural Economics: A Framework for Rethinking Development;
  • Xiaobo Zhang, Structure of Production in the Early Stage of Development;
  • Keun Lee, Economics of Technological Catch-up: Korea and Other Developing Countries;
  • Ju Jiandong, Dynamic Structural Analysis;
  • Yong Wang, Structural Change, Industrial Upgrading, and Industrial Policies
  • Binkai Chen and Xifang Sun, Empirical Research of New Structural Economics
  • Celestin Monga and Jiajun Xu, The Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework: Country Case Studies


The summer school will also include a one-day field visit to gain some first-hand experiences of industrial parks in the city of Suzhou of Jiangsu Province in China.


Applicants are expected to submit a research proposal related to New Structural Economics. We encourage applicants to apply the fresh perspective of New Structural Economics to conduct empirically-grounded studies on a wide range of topics including but not limited to structural changes, industrial upgrading, industrial parks, technological catch-up, labor markets, financial development, economic transition, international trade and finance. Theoretical and methodological explorations are also welcome.


Successful candidates will have the opportunity to get advice from the lecturers during the summer school to further improve their research proposals. At the end of the summer school, the organizer will select excellent proposals for funding for further research. 


Applicants are expected to submit the following items:

  1. CV (includes expertise and publications)
  2. Research Proposal (no longer than two pages)
  3. Writing Sample (no longer than 2,000 words) (optional)
  4. Two Reference Letters


Please submit your application via http://jsform.com/f/okq9ct before mid-night on April 20, 2016 (local time in Beijing). We will select candidates on a rolling basis. Early applications are welcome.


Successful candidates will be provided an economic class air travel (or second class train for local students) and local accommodation. For further information, please contact Ms. Vivian Weijia Zhuo at nse@nsd.pku.edu.cn.


We are looking forward to your application!



Center for New Structural Economics at Peking University

9 March 2016



