Workshop on Teaching Economics for a Changing World

新闻动态 · 2016-10-13




I hope you will be able to join WendyCarlin (University College London) and Samuel Bowles (Santa Fe Institute) for adiscussion of undergraduate economics teaching in China and the possiblecontribution of the CORE Project with which they are associated. The meetingwill be held at Tongji University in Shanghai on Friday 21 October, 2016 from 14:00 to 17:30.


CORE’s TheEconomy is a free on-line e-book for a first course in economics that hasbeen produced by an international collaboration of economists committed to aglobal sharing of an economics that can address the challenges facing the worldtoday. The project is supported by the Treasury in the UK and by theInternational Economics Association. You can register at for free to see the complete text plus a rich set ofancillary resources.  At UniversityCollege London, the Toulouse School of Economics, Sciences Po Paris, BristolUniversity, Humboldt University, Berlin and elsewhere, CORE has replaced thestandard Intro course. Early evidence from UCL shows that students who took CORE as theirfirst year course did better in their second year micro and macro courses(intermediate level) than did comparable students in previous cohorts.


The purpose of the meeting will be tohear faculty views about the current teaching of introductory economics and toexplore whether the CORE project might be adapted for use in your introductory economicsand possibly other courses. The meeting will include a discussion of practicalaspects of the CORE curriculum including the teaching and learningsupplementary materials (test banks, lecture slides, interactive teachingmethods) and the experience thus far in the places where the CORE course hasbecome the standard introduction to economics course.


More information is in the accompanying BriefingNote.


Time:Friday, 21 October,2016

14.00– 14.15 Welcome & introduction of themeeting and its objectives

14.15-14.45 Challengesand opportunities for a new curriculum – the context in China

14.45-15.45 Samuel BOWLES (Santa Fe Institute) and Wendy CARLIN (University CollegeLondon). CORE: New Pedagogy & NewEconomics

15.45-16:00  Coffee/Tea break

16.00-16:30  Wendy CARLIN (University CollegeLondon) and Samuel BOWLES (Santa Fe Institute) and. CORE’s Resources for teachers and students

16:30– 17:30 Responses and next steps for usein China and other regional adaptations 
