
通知公告 · 2015-06-16




International Conference on Sustainable Development and Economic Management (SDEM2015) 


1. 全英文,请严格按照官网主页上提供的会议模板进行排版。
2. 投稿方式:这次会议只接受在官网系统在线提交,并会自动生成文章编号。
3. 在线投稿网址: http://www.icsdem.org/papersub/Author/Login.aspx
4. 录用通知事项:稿件提交审稿后7-15个工作日. 另外,本届会议将组织专家对提交的论文进行审阅,审核通过的论文将由美国DEStech Publications(http://www.destechpub.com/ )出版,并提交至CPCI(原ISTP)检索.

详情请查阅官网: http://www.icsdem.org  

Conference Introduction(会议介绍)
The First International Conference on Sustainable Development and Economic Management (SDEM2015) will be held during July 17-19, 2015 in Beijing.

SDEM2015 aims to bring together academic scientists, leading engineers, industry researchers and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Sustainable Development and Economic Management, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Conference News(会议新闻)
To actively combat plagiarism and publish original research, all submissions will be evaluated by Crosscheck. Papers will not be accepted without passing this system. Please evaluate your paper in advance by the following website: http://www.papertrans.org/Crosscheck.aspx

All accepted papers will be published by DEStech Publications. DEStech will have the CD-ROM indexed in ISI (Institute of Scientific Information) and Google Book Search. DEStech will submit the CD-ROM to CPCI for worldwide online citation of qualified papers.

Important Dates(重要日期)
Submission Deadline(最晚交稿时间): June 30, 2015
Conference Date(会议时间): July 17-19, 2015

Contact Us(联系方式)
Email: SDEM2015@163.com
Tel: 13018051156

Call for papers(稿件要求):
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full papers or abstracts which will be accepted by online submission system. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical.

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:
Sustainable Resource Management
Renewable energy
Pollution prevention and control engineering
Waste disposal and re-utilization
Hydrology and water resources engineering
Clean energy security and utilization
Green building materials and energy-saving building
Energy saving, environmental protection, low carbon concept

Sustainable solutions
Sustainability and the built environment
Environmental policies and planning
Sustainable tourism
Sustainable assessment
Sustainable development indicators
Sustainability modeling

Research on Economic Management
Ecological economy
Recycling economy
Low carbon economy
Public economy
Macroeconomic regulation and control
Regional economic management
Local economic development and urbanization innovation
Public policy, economic and trade cooperation
New ideas of microeconomic and macroeconomic
Financial engineering and financial risk management
The application of experimental economics
Other related topics



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