自主创新:中国 的国际创新合作和技术转移征文

通知公告 · 2015-08-05



Guest Editors:

Professor Yu Xiong
Newcastle Business School
Northumbria University, UK

Professor Peter Williamson
Judge Business School
Cambridge University, UK

Professor Xiaobo Wu
National Institute of Innovation Management
Zhejiang University, China

Mr. Senmao Xia
Norwich Business School
University of East Anglia, UK


As a part of “China Dream”, the Chinese government has begun to promote the goal of “independent innovation” (Xi, 2014). However, independent innovation does not mean closing the door to the rest of the world. In fact, it cannot be successfully achieved without technology transfer and open innovation between China and other countries. International technology transfer and knowledge flows are pivotal for China to learn and contribute to innovation to realize its innovation strategy. Moreover, both developed and developing countries can benefit during those activities. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the processes of international technology transfer and innovation in China, and these are not yet fully appreciated and understood. The aim of this special issue is to study the effect of these developments on current and potential international technology transfer and innovation in (and with) China and to inform and inspire both academic researchers and practitioners. Some relevant trends in practices are illustrated below.

Technology developments between Chinese firms and their foreign counterparts. Encouraged by the drive towards independent innovation and related policies, China’s firms are increasingly abandoning old ways of development, in which they depended heavily on old fashioned technology accessed from developed countries. Currently, Chinese firms are seeking to deploy new and cutting-edge technologies, and to improve their positions in international value chains (Xi, 2013). However the enhanced innovation ability of Chinese companies can be regarded as a competitive threat by some firms in OECD countries, and inhibit their willingness to share new technologies and ideas. Managing such tensions will stimulate changes in the strategies of Chinese companies and attitudes of foreign counterparts and will likely lead to the emergence of new patterns of international technology transfer and innovation.

The participation of new players. To learn and commercialize new and cutting-edge technologies, more and more Chinese firms are beginning to directly explore collaboration with overseas institutions, including universities, research institutes and other organizations. In the past, Chinese firms mainly sought interactions with local academia, or established relationships with local or multinational firms. Overseas academic organizations, therefore, represent new players and partners for China’s firms, and it is still unclear how these collaborations will influence international technology transfer and the level and types of innovation in China.

The role of science parks. Science parks, known in China as High-tech Industrial Development Zones, usually operate as government agencies, but have relatively high autonomy and take a pivotal responsibility in driving innovation (Wan, 2012; Wang et al., 2012). In recent years, as a part of the internationalization strategies, many science parks have launched measures to accelerate international collaboration in technological innovation initiatives. The political system, culture and economic development of China strongly influences, the purpose, function and behavior of Chinese science parks compared with their foreign equivalent. Examining these differences can contribute further to Chinese cross-border innovation initiatives.

The return and impact of returnees. A large number of Chinese have now trained and worked in foreign countries and are familiar with the environment both overseas and in China. This talent and experience provides a potentially valuable resource for the promotion of international technology transfer (Filatotchev et al., 2011; Dai and Liu, 2009). Both central and local governments have launched large and ambitious programmes to encourage overseas graduates, experts, investors and entrepreneurs and other relevant workers to return to China and engage with Chinese firms. In recent years many returnees have preferred to work as entrepreneurs and run their own businesses in China. The new role and practices of returnees in international technology transfer and innovation is therefore an interesting and important area for investigation.

In view of these developments more studies are seriously and urgently needed on the topics of managing international technology transfer activities and innovation in China on which this special issue is focused.

The research methodology for papers in this special issue includes but is not limited to analytical modelling, conceptual papers, empirical studies and case studies.

Topics of interest

Example relevant topics include, but are not limited, to the following:

The present situation and characteristic of technology transfer and commercialization between Chinese firms and overseas academic and research institutes.
How to overcome difficulties/obstacles and better manage the technology transfer activities between Chinese firms and overseas academic and research institutes.
How to exam the competition, collaboration, and technological transfer between Chinese and overseas firms.
How to seek and promote complementarities between Chinese and foreign firms in the innovation process.
The impact of Chinese science parks on international technology transfer and collaborative innovation for China.
How to remove barriers to enable Chinese science parks play a better role in international technology transfer and collaborative innovation.
The new practice of returnees in international technology transfer and collaborative innovation for China.
The role of Chinese science parks in boosting the returnee’s entrepreneurship in China.
The roles of overseas and Chinese players at different stages in the innovation cycle from idea through base technology to product development and commercialization, and possible collaborative opportunities.
Commonalities and differences in approaches to manage innovation in China and overseas
Important Dates

30 September 2015: Deadline for submission of extended abstract 1
31 October 2015: Invitation to submit full paper
31 December 2015: Deadline for submission of full paper via the Technovation submission system 


Prospective authors are  invited to submit an extended abstract (up to 4  pages) to determine the suitability of their paper for the Special Issue. Please email abstracts to Mr. Senmao Xia (Senmao.Xia@uea.ac.uk)
Full papers must be submitted online to Technovation . To submit a paper, please read the information on preparing and submitting articles. If you experience any problems submitting your paper online, please contact http://www.journals.elsevier.com/technovation/, describing the exact problem you experience. (Please include in your email the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the names of the Guest Editors)Papers will be subject to  the Technovation double-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
Relevant enquiries can be sent to Mr. Senmao Xia (Senmao.Xia@uea.ac.uk)

Filatotchev I., Liu X., Lu J., Wright M., 2011. Knowledge spillovers through human mobility across national borders: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park in China. Res. Policy, 40(3), 453-462.

Dai O, Liu X, 2009. Returnee entrepreneurs and firm performance in Chinese high-technology industries. International Business Review, 18(4), 373-386.

Wang Shengguang, Cheng Yu, Liu Huiwu, 2012. National Role of High-Tech Industrial Development Zone in China, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27(6), 678-696.

Wan Gang, 2012. Working hard to make a fresh start for national high-tech zones. Chinese High-tech Industry Guide. Available from: ⟨http://www.chinanews.com/df/2012/10-11/4241504.shtml⟩ (retreived in February 2015).

Xi Jinping, 2013. Encouraging Chinese firms to do innovation. Xinhua News Agency. Available from: ⟨http://cpc.people.com.cn/n/2013/1105/c64094-23439945.html⟩ (retreived in February 2015).

Xi Jinping, 2014, Innovation: Dare to be the first in the world, People’s Daily. Available from: ⟨http://news.china.com.cn/2014-06/10/content_32617367.htm⟩ (retreived in February 2015).



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