
通知公告 · 2015-09-22



14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development


Global Connectivity, Knowledge and Innovation for a Sustainable Growth: New Paradigms of Theory and Practice

会议开始日期: 2016-06-21
会议结束日期: 2016-06-24
摘要截稿日期: 2015-11-30
全文截稿日期: 2015-12-31
会议网站: http://www.sgbed.com/
联系电话: 07566126901/6126033
E-MAIL: liusb@bnu.edu.cn
通讯地址: 广东省珠海市唐家湾金凤路18号北京师范大学珠海分校国际商学部综合楼C201
邮政编码: 519087
会议注册费: 250美元

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected across all fronts at an unprecedented pace; it is deemed that networks, knowledge and innovation, and entrepreneurship drive growth and development. The rise of emerging markets and growth of global supply chains are attributed to globalization and ICT; nations and firms continue to form strategic levers using the power of comparative advantage; and human capital worldwide is becoming more mobile and engaged virtually despite the national boundaries. The developments have also caused dramatic structural and organizational changes and disruption of traditional businesses, and job markets. Global investments in commodities and indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources affected the sustainability of global ecosystems. Equal access to education, knowledge and health are also under the microscope. The challenges of rising inequalities in wealth and income, economic stagnation, unemployment, and the impact of globalization have also taken the center stage of public discourse. These trends bring heightened levels of responsibility to business, institutions and society. In view of the strategic importance of these challenges the 14th International Business conference invites academic and professional perspectives in the form of empirical research, case studies and applications, and panel proposals.
1. Institutions and Global Economic Governance

—Gravitation of world economy towards the East & South & the rise of emerging markets

—WTO & international trade; implications of new regional trade arrangements (e.g., TPP and TTIP)

—Challenges of institutional governance (IMF, World Bank, etc.); new initiatives (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and New Development Bank (NDB/BRICS Bank)

—Impact of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on subsistence markets 

—Challenges of urbanization, inequalities, health, food & energy security, natural disasters, cyber threats, climate change, migration of workforce, etc.

2. Global Connectivity, Knowledge Clusters, & Entrepreneurship 

—Knowledge clusters, innovation & diffusion effects in local, regional & global contexts 

—Impact of social & technology networks on Micro, Small & Medium enterprises 

—Role of networks & diaspora: women entrepreneurship; social & digital entrepreneurship 

—Business models to nurture start-ups: incubation, mentoring, venture capital, crowd funding, etc.

3. Innovation in Education, Human Capital & Advancement of Skills 

—Quality & standards; impact of ranking of academic institutions; business-academic partnerships 

—Role of higher education clusters; Open Universities; Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

—Corporate universities; models of executive education & training for professions/occupations

—Learning outcomes: study abroad, internships & community engagement programs

4. Emerging Markets, Global Connectivity & Competitive Strategy 

—New paradigms of innovation & business models in emerging markets 

—Leveraging resources & capabilities by firms from emerging markets 

—Modes of entry & internationalization strategies of emerging market firms 

—Competitive dynamics between western and emerging market multinationals

5. Management Practices, OB & HRM in a Global Context 

—Workplace diversity, automation, labor relations, productivity, & wage differentials 

—The millennials, intergenerational & flexible workforce 

—Managing intellectual capital, virtual organizations & teams in multi-cultural contexts

—State-owned enterprises; family controlled conglomerates; family owned enterprises 

—Supply chain management: on-shoring & off-shoring; national & regional pressures

6. Global Finance, Accounting, & Transparency Issues 

—Corporate finance, banking, capital markets, sovereign wealth funds, & global debt 

—FDI & M&As; volatility of exchange rates & risk management 

—Role of corporate taxation, tax havens, subsidies & free trade zones 

—Financing subsistence markets, social impact investing 

—Accounting; IFRS reporting standards, business information value chain; XBRL 

—Valuation of intangibles, intellectual property, brand equity, and goodwill

7. Marketing & Communication in a Connected Environment 

—Value creation: service delivery models, customer life time value, & relationship marketing

—Emerging trends: data driven, social media and Internet-based, cause-related, and green marketing; e-market places: web marketing and e-commerce 

—Services marketing; social marketing; and macro marketing theory & practice

8. Sustainability & Growth: CSR Perspectives in a Global Context 

—Challenges of decoupling growth from natural resources to a knowledge-based economy 

—Corporate & institutional response to climate change, water, food & energy security issues 

—Philanthropy, social enterprises, and NGOs, & its impact on subsistence markets 

—Challenges of urbanization, pollution, & infrastructure; community & individual responsibilities 

—Ethical Challenges: CSR, Social impact & measurement issues

1. Submissions must be formatted as follows: Letter sized page (8.5″x11″ or 216×279 mm), with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font. List all the end notes and bibliography at the end of the manuscript

2. Paper should strictly adhere to the APA format and .reference style

3. Submit manuscript/abstract/proposal via email attachment in MS word to your respective area coordinator and also email a soft copy to info@sgbed.com

4. At least one author should register and participate at the conference to present their work. 5. Please indicate submission type: Full Competitive Paper, Special Topics/Panel Session, Abstracts, Doctoral Dissertation

Full Competitive Papers: All submissions must conform to the following guidelines:
1. The cover page should include authors’ information: names, affiliation, mailing address, email address, telephone and fax numbers along with the name of the primary author for further contact.

2. All full competitive papers should not exceed 30 pages, double-spaced; including references, tables and figures.

3. Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract, not to exceed 200 words, with key-words as appropriate for the theme.

Submission of Abstracts:
Provide full name, affiliation, contact information, email, phone number in a separate page; and bibliography is not counted towards the page limit. The abstract should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages in double spaced. Provide an abstract and state the key word(s) as appropriate for the theme of your submission. The abstract should highlight research objectives, theoretical framework and/or hypotheses, proposed research methodology and results (if applicable), and expected contribution to literature as well as managerial implications.

Special Topic/Panel Sessions:
Competitive proposals are invited on special topics or proposals for panel sessions that are relevant to the conference theme. Describe the topic, issues and its importance to academics and business community. Limit the written proposal to a maximum of about 4 pages in double space; for each proposal identify a maximum of three panelists and provide a brief bio on each panelist in a separate cover page. Panel session will last for about 1hr & 15 minutes.

Doctoral Competitive Proposals:
Provide title of research, full name of the author, abstract, key-words and a summary of dissertation proposal. Limit the number of pages to about 15 pages in double space; provide references to the end and this page is not counted towards page requirement



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