
通知公告 · 2017-01-20



It is our great honor to welcome you to the 2017 Service System Engineering Conference & 2017 Symposium on Analytics and Risk, hosted jointly by Tongji University, the Society of System Engineering in China (SSEC), IEEE System Council, Analytics and Risk Technical Committee, the Shanghai Association of Automation, and the IFAC 5.2 Technical Committee. This year’s meeting brings together over 100 high-ranking guests from research funding and performing organizations from around the world. Our meeting in Shanghai will continue the important work of the SSEC and its commitment to removing barriers to international research collaboration. This year, the toptic of the annual Meeting is: Analytics and risk and services enable the growth and understanding of services and best risk-based management practices.We are pleased that you have accepted the invitation to join us in Shangha, China. We look forward to the engaging discussions, exchanges of ideas, and to the major outcomes of the 2017 Service System Engineering Conference & 2017 Symposium on Analytics and Risk, Sincerely.

Call for Papers
Analytics and risk and services will enable the growth and understanding of services and best risk-based management practices. This Symposium will bring together researchers who have different backgrounds and disciplines, and provide a set of opportunities to discuss issues. Papers presented at the Symposium will be evaluated for best paper award. Students have the opportunity to attend student research paper competition. Papers presented at the conference are invited for further revision and submitted to SCI-indexed journals for publication. Speakers include editors from different journals will speak at the conference. We welcome submissions in themes related to the following, but not limited to:

l  Engineering risk, Enterprise risk, Financial risk
l  Manufacturing services, Financial services
l  Energy safety, Energy management
l  Emergency management, Crisis management and Disaster management
l  Data science and analytics
l  Management science and engineering
l  Econometrics with applications in risk
l  Environment risks and climate economy and Other risks
l  Big data: technology and service
l  Issues related to Service System Engineering




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