2017 亚洲管理科学与应用国际学术年会

通知公告 · 2017-07-19



2017 Asian Conference of Management Science & Applications (ACMSA2017)
December 25-28, 2017, Fuzhou, Fujian, China (中国福建省福州市)
Organized by Asian Association of Management and Applications (AAMSA)
Hosted by School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, China
Supported by Japan Industrial Management Association (JIMA)

( CALL FOR PAPERS(First Announcement)in PDF)

The 2017 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2017) is to provide a forum for exchanging the latest research results related to management science and its applications among researchers and practitioners within and beyond the Asian region.

ACMSA2017 consists of general sessions and following two topic-focused workshops.

Smart Society (SS)
Cellular Manufacturing & Seru Production (CM/SP)
SS workshop will bring the recent advances in all research topics on smart society (e.g., IoT, smart manufacturing, smart logistics and smart city). CM/SP workshop will highlight the similarities and differences between Seru with machining and assembly cell. The workshops will also bring researchers and practitioners together to achieve synergy between scientific developments and empirical experiences and needs.

Relevant topics
Papers in the area of industrial management are welcome. Suggested topics include, but need not be limited to:

Accounting / Finance / Finance Engineering
Computational Intelligence
Decision Making / Analysis / Support Systems
Enterprise Information System / ERP
Environmental Management
Facilities Design and Location
Green Design / Green Manufacturing
Human Factor / Industrial Ergonomics
Human Resource Management
Information Systems & Data Mining
Inventory Systems and Management
Logistics / Logistics Information System
Management Science Education Manufacturing / Industrial Engineering
Management Information Systems
Operations Management
Operations Research
Optimization / Soft Computing / Meta-Heuristics
Product Design / Product Development
Productivity and Business Strategies Service
Service Management
Supply Chain Management
Systems Design, Planning and Control
Systems Engineering and Management Systems Simulation
Project Management
Quality Engineering / Quality Management
Risk Management
Technology Management
Transportation Planning and Management
Traffic Safety / High Speed Railway
Uncertain Programming / Uncertainty Theory
Conference Inquires
Submissions must be in English. We accept regular paper (over 4 pages), short paper (under 4 pages) and abstract to attend the conference. Papers presented at the conference will be recommended for Best Papers Award and/Young Scientist Prize (for student). Good papers will be recommended to the official journal of AAMSA: Asian Journal of Management Science & Applications, Innovation and Supply Chain Management (ISCM), Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association.

摘要截稿日期: 2017-10-20
全文截稿日期: 2017-10-20
论文录用通知日期: 2017-10-31



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