征文 | 中国金融学术与政策国际论坛(2018)征文启事

通知公告 · 2018-03-01




经发起单位商定,“首届中国金融学术与政策国际论坛(2018)”将于2018年7月8日至9日在对外经济贸易大学举行。本届论坛将邀请Journalof Finance联合主编熊伟教授、中国人民银行金融研究所所长孙国峰做主旨演讲,并和与会者深度互动。除此之外,论坛还将邀请金融管理部门专家与国内一流金融机构的首席经济学家参加。

本届论坛现面向海内外公开征文。征文须符合本论坛的定位,且须为作者原创的、尚未公开出版的作品,以中英文写作均可,请分别参照《经济研究》与Journal of Finance写作体例,符合国际学术规范。为便于匿名评审与联系,作者信息(姓名、工作单位、通讯作者、联系电话、电子信箱等)请列于独立的征文首页。





Call for Papers:

2018 China International Forum on Finance andPolicy

University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and the Department of Economic Research Journal, the Institute of Economics, CASS, are jointly organizing the“China International Forum on Finance and Policy” (CIFFP) to enhance international communication and collaboration on financial research, policies and practice. 

The purpose of the forum is to provide an international platform for leading financial market researchers, policy-makers and practitioners to exchange ideas on academic research, regulatory policies and real-world applications, thereby promoting the development of academic research, policy and regulations, as well as Chinese financial system.

The first “China International Forum on Finance and Policy” will be held in University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) on July 8-9, 2018. The keynote speakers of the conference include Prof. Wei Xiong (the Co-Editor of Journal of Finance), Prof. Guofeng Sun (Director General of Research Institute of the People's Bank of China). The forum will also invite experts from regulatory agencies and leading economists from top financial institutions in China.

The committee welcomes the submission of original papers that have not been published/under dual consideration at another journal and fit well with the theme of the forum. Both English and Chinese versions are acceptable.Please follow the format of Economic Research Journal and Journal of Finance, and include the name of all authors, affiliation, contact author,phone and Email information in a separate cover page. 

To ensure the quality of the forum, papers submitted to the forum will undergo formal peer-review process by a committee of domestic and overseas experts based on the theme of the forum. Authors also have the dual submission option, in which five high-quality papers will be selected and enjoy the privilege of being reviewed by Economic Research Journal without additional charge. 

Electronic version of the papers in Microsoft Word format should be submitted to CIFFP2018@163.com,with the Subject “2018 China International Forum on Finance and Policy” and dual submission preference indicated in the body of the email. The deadline for the submission is April 15, 2018 and the confirmation of acceptance will be sent to authors before May 31, 2018.



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