Call for papers: China Finance Review International

通知公告 · 2019-10-31



China Finance Review International, is published in association with the Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, one of the top universities in China. The journal publishes quality empirical and theoretical research on financial and economic issues.

China Finance Review International aims to promote discussions and publish works helpful to understand important finance and economic issues in the world, especially in China and other emerging markets. We encourage ground-breaking works related to new and niche areas in finance, such as Fintech and socially responsible investments. Critical thinking is a key area the journal emphasizes. We therefore welcome critiques to existing literature and published works in the context of uniqueness of the Chinese market and comparative analysis between emerging markets and developed economies.

Enjoy original research  from our latest issue:



    • Fast and high quality peer review: Target time to a first decision is 4 weeks

    • Rapid publication upon acceptance

    • Widest possible global dissemination of your research

    • No article-processing charges (APC)

    • Indexed by Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), ABI/INFORM Complete, Scopus



    To submit to the journal, please use the CFRI's online submission and review system at:

    There is no submission fee. The journal operates a double-blind peer review system.

    If you would like to discuss your paper prior to submission, or seek advice on the submission process please contact the CFRI, Editorial Office (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), at the following email address:

    Aims and Scope


    • Asset pricing

    • Banking

    • Corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions

    • Corporate governance

    • Fintech

    • Incentive, motivation and game theory

    • International trade and finance

    • Microstructure of the financial market

    • Monetary system and policy

    • Personal finance

    • Risk management

    Currently, the average turnaround time for the initial round decision is 42 days. We aim to render a final decision within two rounds. Once accepted, individual articles are typeset, proofread and published online as the Version of Record within an average of 32 days, allowing papers to be downloaded and cited earlier.



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