
教学研究 · 2014-10-08



  Renmin University of China

  Hanqing  Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance

  Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Economics and Finance

  Renmin University of China is a leading Chinese university in economics and finance. To further integrate with the international frontier, Renmin University of China has founded Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance. Hanqing Institute aims to establish a world-class faculty with a strong focus on frontier research, high-quality graduate teaching and intensive international exchanges and cooperation. See Hanqing institute's website at http://www.hanqing.ruc.edu.cn/ for more information.

  Hanqing Institute is now inviting job applications in all areas of economics and finance at all ranks (assistant/associate/full professor). Junior candidates must have a PHD by August 2009 and provide evidence of promising research. Senior candidates must have a PHD and strong research record. Hanqing Institute provides competitive compensation packages, RMB 250,000-300,000 for assistant professor and 300,000-500,000 for associate/full professor, together with other benefits, including housing subsidy and research support.

  Application deadline is December 15, 2008 or until the positions are filled. Representatives will interview applicants at the AEA/AFA meetings in San Francisco, USA in January 2009. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a sample of written work, three reference letters, and evidence of teaching effectiveness to:

  CONTACT: Professor Liang Jing

  Email: hanqingruc@gmail.com
