
教学研究 · 2016-04-07





Jinan University is one of China's "One Hundred Key Universities of 21st Century"(the “211 Project”) and is operated under the guidance of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of State Council.  As the first university established by the State for overseas Chinese students, JNU currently has the largest number of overseas and foreign students and is honored as the “top university for overseas Chinese”. Abiding by the motto of “loyalty, sincerity, integrity and respect”, the university is committed to cultivating talents with the excellent traditional Chinese moralities and culture.  In June 2015, JNU was selected into the “High-level University Construction Program” by Guangdong provincial party committee and the provincial government. The University has 27 colleges, comprising 62 departments, 188 research institutions, 77 laboratories and offering 89 undergraduate majors, 189 master degree programs in 38 Level-I and 5 Level-II disciplines as well as 74 doctoral degree programs in 15 Level-I and 4 Level-II disciplines. Besides, we have 4 national key disciplines(industrial economics, aquatic biology, finance and literary theory), 8 key disciplines at the level of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, 20 provincial Level-I key disciplines, and 4 provincial Level-II key disciplines. The University has the following teaching and research bases: a key research base of national humanity & social sciences, a teaching & research base for Chinese language & literature of the Education Ministry, a base for national university cultural quality education, a national base for teaching Chinese as a foreign language, an educational base for overseas Chinese education of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and a key research base of humanity & social science of Guangdong Province. It also has one national engineering center, 14 ministerial and provincial engineering centers and 13 key ministerial and provincial laboratories.
    To achieve the goal of building a high-level university, JNU continues to implement the strategy of “strengthening universities with more talented people” in order to greatly enhance the core competitiveness of talent and sustainable development capacity and to further strengthen the support for the introduction and training of outstanding personnel. For this purpose, the university is now recruiting members or candidates of the “High-level Overseas Young Talents Program” (referred to as the Thousand Young Talents Program) from home and abroad.


Disciplines open for recruitment
Optical engineering, information and communication engineering, electronic science and technology, science of Chinese pharmacology, pharmacy, biology, biomedical engineering, ecology, environmental science and engineering, basic medicine, clinical medicine, integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, oral medicine, public health and preventive medicine, nursing, mechanics, cyberspace security, computer science and technology, software engineering, mathematics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, food science and engineering and physics.


Basic Requirements
    1. Members of the “Thousand Young Talents Program”.
    2. Candidates of the “Thousand Young Talents Program” (candidates of the discipline of finance not included).     Applicants should meet the following requirements:
    (1)  Applicants should consciously adhere to China’s laws and regulations, and have good academic ethics;
    (2)  Applicants whose research fields are in natural science and engineering technology should be under 40 years old (up to June.1, 2016, the same below);
    (3)  Applicants should have acquired a doctoral degree, and have over three years’ overseas research and working experience (not including working experience abroad with employment relations remained in China). Applicants who received a doctoral degree in China should not exceed the age limit of 40. Applicants who have received a doctoral degree abroad may be waived from the age limit of 40 if they have outstanding research performance and other great achievements. In such cases, a waiver letter with explanation and proofs is required.
    (4)  Applicants should have a permanent teaching or research position in overseas universities, research institutions and enterprises of high prestige.
    (5)  Generally, applicants should not have a full-time position in China at the time of application. However, if applicants are already holding a position in China, it should be less than one year that they returned from abroad.
    (6)  Applicants should work full time in China once employed.
    (7)  Applicants should be the top performers among their peers in the same research field and have potentials to become the leading persons of their field.


    Package of Salary & Benefits
    JNU will provide recruited members and candidates of “Thousand Young Talents Program” with a competitive package of salary and benefits based on the job position.
    1.For members of “Thousand Young Talents Program”:
    (1)  Salary: no less than ¥500,000 per year(pre-tax).
    (2)  Supporting funds for research: ¥1,000,000-3,000,000.
    (3)  Housing/settling allowance: no less than ¥2,000,000(pre-tax).
    (4)  Recruited members will be directly employed as a senior professional.
    (5)  Recruited members will have the priority to recruit PhD students, post-doctors and research assistants.
    (6)  The university will provide applicants assistance in their children’s entry into kindergarten, primary school and middle school in Guangzhou.
    (7)  Members will enjoy the one-stop service for high-level talents.
    (8)  The university will give priority to solve the job transfer of spouse of members.
    (9)  Each new recruit is entitled to a central finance subsidy of¥500,000and a research fund ranging from¥1,000,000 to¥3,000,000, which, once ratified, will be allocated according to schedule. The Guangdong provincial finance will also grant the recruit a supportive fund by a ratio of 1.5:1 in accordance with the one granted by the central finance.
    2.Candidates having successfully passed the university review process can sign an employment contract of intent, and apply for the “Thousand Young Talents Program” membership in the name of Jinan University. Candidates who have entered into the defense session are entitled to the following salary and benefits:
    (1)  Salary: no less than ¥400,000 per year(pre-tax).
    (2)  Supporting funds for research: no less than¥1,000,000.
    (3)  Housing/settling allowance: no less than ¥1,000,000(pre-tax).
    (4)  Recruited members will have the priority to recruit PhD students, post-doctors and research assistants.
    (5)  The university will provide applicants assistance in their children’s entry into kindergarten, primary school and middle school in Guangzhou.
    (6)  Recruited members will enjoy the one-stop service for high-level talents.
    (7)  If recruited members are enrolled into the “Thousand Talents Program”, they are entitled to all the pay and benefits offered by the university to members of this program.


    Materials to be Submitted for Application:
    (1)  One copy of CV;
    (2)  A list of research projects, publications (please specify collection by SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI as well as journal impact factor and citation frequency) and award-winning achievements during recent 5 years;
    (3)  A copy of academic certificate/diploma, certificate of all research projects, awards and patents;
    (4)  The full text of five representative papers;
    (5)  A Copy of certificate or credential of holding a position abroad or holding an important position in China;
    (6)  A work and research plan after joining JNU.

    This advertisement is valid permanently. Electronic copies of all the above-mentioned materials are also required at the time of application. Please send them to the official email: otalents@jnu.edu.cn.

    Contact Information
    Home page of Personnel Department, Jinan University (http://personal.jnu.edu.cn/)
    Tel: 0086-20-85227283 (fax available), 0086-20-85223525
    Contacts: Mr. Tong, Mr. Liu
    Email: otalents@jnu.edu.cn
    Address: No. 601, Huangpu Avenue West, Guangzhou, Guangdong, PRC
    Post Code: 510632
