
教学研究 · 2016-11-30



Assistant, Associate and Full Professor Positions Open in Wenlan School of Business, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Wenlan School of Business is an elite institute of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, which enjoys a distinguished reputation for its preponderant disciplines of Economics, Management and Law in China. The School draws upon world-class education system and operates under a set of guiding principles consistent with those of world-leading universities. We are trying to offer a stimulating and nurturing academic environment and develop into a first-class Business School.

Wenlan School of Business invites applications for 10 positions at the assistant, associate and full professor levels in fields of Economics, Finance or Accounting.

Positions and Annual Salary

Full professor: USD $80-150 thousand 
Associate professor: USD $50-80 thousand 
Assistant professor: USD $ 40-60 thousand 
Other benefits such as housing subsidy and research grant are offered in accordance with applicant’s qualifications.


Applicants should hold or be expected to have a Ph.D. degree in fields of Economics, Finance or Accounting by Dec. 2017, and demonstrate strong research potentials. Knowledge of Chinese is not required.

Application Instructions

Applicants should email their CV, cover letter, job market paper and three reference letters to wls@znufe.edu.cn and copy to weiyuenan@znufe.edu.cn by Dec. 20th, 2016. Late application will be considered until the positions are filled. The subject of your email should be “Wenlan job application + last name + first name”.

Candidate interviews will be conducted at the upcoming 2017 ASSA meeting in Chicago.


Email: wls@znufe.edu.cn ; Phone: +86-027-88387186

For further information about us, please visit our web page: http://wls.zuel.edu.cn/

