
教学研究 · 2014-10-08








  向境内金融机构和企业提供全面的融资, 并购, 投(合)资及其他财务顾问服务







  上海 浦东新区 浦东南路855号 世界广场14楼H座  邮编:200120
  电话:86 21 68873310  传真:86 21 68873313
  联系人:张浩 (手机:13801028067)

Shanghai Tu Hong Investment Management Ltd. (“Tu Hong”) is a privately-owned boutique investment management and advisory company based in Shanghai. Tu Hong aims to provide quality, professional and value-added investment advisory and asset management services to financial institutions, enterprises, other institutions and high net-worth individuals. Currently Tu Hong is planning to set up a Beijing operation and sincerely invites highly-quality and self-driven professionals to join us. Please refer to the following job descriptions for detailed information on available full-time positions.

Associate/Analyst (2-3 positions available)

Master degree holder in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Banking, Accounting, Auditing, or other related areas; work experience in securities, investment management, investment banking, and other relevant sectors preferred but not required;
Bachelor degree holder in the above fields with a minimum of 3 years relevant work experience will also be considered;
Practical knowledge in securities, investment management, investment banking, accounting and other relevant areas required;
Relevant overseas study/work experience preferred but not required;
Ability to work efficiently and effectively under the supervision of senior managers, especially under pressure and strict timeline;
Good communication and presentation skills required;
Good English writing and reading skills, able to communicate fluently in English and Mandarin;
Prospective candidate should be honest, responsible, diligent and willing to learn new things and work under pressures;
Age between 24-32;
Monthly salary: RMB 5000 – 8000 plus year-end performance bonus;
Job Location: Beijing, frequent travel may be required.

Vice President/Senior Associate (1-2 positions available)

Master degree holder in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Banking, Accounting, Auditing, or other related areas; 3-5 years’ work experience in securities, investment management, investment banking, and  other relevant sectors required;
Bachelor degree holder in the above fields with a minimum of 6-8 years relevant work experience will also be considered;
­In-depth understanding in securities, investment management, investment banking, accounting and other relevant areas required;
­Relevant overseas study/work experience preferred but not required for outstanding candidates;
­Ability to work efficiently and effectively under the supervision of senior managers, especially under pressure and strict timeline;
­Ability to take initiatives in marketing efforts, investment management, client relationship management;
­Good communication, presentation and project management skills required;
­Good English writing and reading skills, able to communicate fluently in English and Mandarin;
­Prospective candidate should be honest, responsible, diligent and willing to commit to his/her selected career path;
­Age between 28-38;
­Monthly salary: RMB 8000 – 15000 plus year-end performance bonus;
­Job Location: Beijing, frequent travel may be required.

We sincerely invite you to join us. Should you have any interest, please send your resume and contact information to: recruiting@tuhong-intl.com.
