
博士后 · 2016-02-23



Post-doctoral Fellow Position in Innovation and Intellectual Property Management

The Institute for Intellectual Property Management (hereafter “The Institute”) at the School of Management, Zhejiang University is established in 2014 with the sponsorship from and collaboration with Royal Philips of the Netherlands. The Institute conducts research on intellectual property issues in the broad fields of innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship, including management and economics of intellectual property and policy for improving intellectual property systems. The Institute is the first of the kind specialized in the intellectual property research in a leading business school in China. It builds a strong connection to the National Institute of Innovation Management at the School of Management, Zhejiang University, which is funded by the state-sponsored "985 Program" and hosts one of the largest groups of innovation scholars in the Chinese universities. Zhejiang University is a top-three research university in China with a total research budget of 3.6 Billion RMB (583 million US Dollars) in 2013.


The Institute has an opening for a post-doctoral position carrying a two-year contract. After two years, subject to performance, the position holder may be employed as a tenure-track assistant professor in the “100 Talent Program” of Zhejiang University. An assistant professor funded by the Program can be awarded a tenured position from four to six years after entering the Program. The salary for the post-doctoral position is 150,000 to 300,000 RMB per annumand commensurate with qualifications. 

Reporting to the Directors of the Institute, the post-doctoral fellow will contribute to the design and implementation of research and training activities and policy analysis, supervision of PhD students and some other broader activities such as organization of seminars and conferences. The successful candidate is also expected to work closely with the Intellectual Property & Standard Department of Royal Philips to define and conduct research which is relevant to business practice today and also bears significant academic value.

The position requires knowledge of economics and management of innovation, strategy and entrepreneurship and excellent command of the Chinese and English language, both spoken and written. Familiarity and experience with intellectual property issues will be a plus. 

To Apply: Please submit a cover letter, CV and sample research papers to canhuang@zju.edu.cn with a subject of “Post-doctoral Fellow Position at SOMZJU”. Qualified candidates will be invited for interviews.


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