Economic Syllabus & Reading List (II)

观点 · 2003-02-20






Schwalbenberg (1998). "The Ricardo Viner Model (Labor Market)."
Schwalbenberg (1991). "Economic Development Policies."
Griffin and Gurley (1985). "Radical Analyses of Imperialism, The Third World, and the Transisiton to Socialism: A Survery Article."
Reynolds (1983). "The Spread of Economic Growth to the Third World: 1850-1980."
Wellisz and Findlay (1988). "The State and the Invisible Hand."
Grindle (1991). "The New Political Economy: Positive Economics and Negative Politics."
Ruttan (1991). "What Happened to Political Development?"
Lewis Model of Surplus Labor
Lewis (1954). "Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour."
Ranis and Fei (1961). "A Theory of Economic Development."
Schultz (1964). "The Doctrine of Agricultural Labor of Zero value."
Kuznets (1955). "Economic Growth and Income Inequality."
Pfeffermann (1991). "Poverty Alleviation."
Srinivasan (1994). "Destitution: A Discourse."
Fields (1994). "Data for Measuring Poverty and Inequality Changes in the Developing Countries."
Chang and Ram (2000). "Level of Development, Rate of Economic Growth, and Income Inequality."
Partridge (1997). "Is Inequality Harmful for Growth? Comment."
Forsythe, Korzeniewicz and Durrant (2000). "Gender Inequalities and Economic Growth: A Longitudinal Evaluation."
Harris-Todaro Model of Migration and Unemployment
Todaro (1971). "A Model of Rural-Urban Migration."
Harris and Todaro (1970). "Migration, Unemployment and Development: A Two-Sector Analysis."
Cole and Sanders (1985). "Internal Migration and Urban Employment in the Third World."
Schwalbenberg (1994). "Economic Growth and the Rise of Protectionism and Urban Unrest in Developing Economies."
Freeman (1993). "Labor Markets and Institutions in Economic Development."
Marcouiller and Young (1995). "The Black Hole of Graft: The Predatory State and the Informal Economy."
Park and Johnston (1995). "Rural Development and Dynamic Externalities in Taiwan's Structural Transformation."
Trade Policies
Bhagwati (1958). "Immiserizing Growth: A Geometric Note."
Prebisch (1959). "International Trade and Paymensts in an Era of Coexistence: Commerical Policy in the Underdeveloped Countries."
Diakosavvas and Scandizzo (1991). "Trends in the Terms of Trade of Primary Commodities, 1900-1982: The Controversy and Its Origins."
Clark (1998). "Are Poorer Countries the Targets of US Protectionist Actions?"
Srinivasan (1991). "Foreign Trade Regimes."
Dornbusch (1992). "The Case for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries."
Edwards (1993). "Openness, Trade Liberalization and Growth in Developing Countries."
Rodrik (1996). "Understanding Economic Policy Reform."
Krueger (1997). "Trade Policy and Economic Development: How We Learn."
Westphal (1990). "Industrial Policy in an Export-Propelled Economy."
Hill (1996). "Indonesia's Industrial Policy and Performance: 'Orthodoxy' Vindicated."
Bruton (1998). "A Reconsideration of Import Substitution."
Growth Policies
North (1994). "Economic Performance Through Time (Nobel Lecture)."
Harrod (1939). "An Essay in Dynamic Theory."
Domar (1946). "Capital Expansion, Rate of Growth, and Employment."
Solow (1956). "A Contribution to the Theory of Growth."
Solow (1988). "Growth Theory and After (Nobel Lecture)."
Griliches (1996). "The Discovery of the Residual: A Historical Note."
Jones (1997). "On the Evolution of the World Income Distribution."
Grossman and Helpman (1994). "Endogenous Innovation in the Theory of Growth."
Datta-Chaudhuri (1990). "Market Failure and Government Failure."
Krugman (1994). "The Myth of Asia's Miracle."
Przeworski and Limongi (1993). "Political Regimes and Economic Growth."
de Haan and Siermann (1996). "Political Instability, Freedom, and Economic Growth."
Levine and Renelt (1992). "A Sensitivity analysis of Cross-Country Growth Regressions."
Population Policy
Malthus (1798). "An Essay on the Principle of Population."
Becker (1965). "Theory of the Allocation of Time."
Becker (1988). "Family Economics and Macro Behavior."
Becker (1993). "Nobel Lecture: The Economic Way of Looking at Behavior."
Birdsall (1988). "Economic Approaches to Population Growth."
Dasgupta (1995). "The Population Problem: Theory and Evidence."
Subbarao and Raney (1995). "Social Gains from Female Education: A Cross-National Study."
Schultz (1980). "Nobel Lecture: The Economics of Being Poor."
Schultz (1994). "Human Capital, Family Planning, and Their Effects on Population Growth."
