Economic Syllabus & Reading List (VI)

观点 · 2003-02-20



Economics 205B: Advanced Macroeconomic Theory


Backus, D.K. and P.J. Kehoe, "International Evidence on the Historical Properties of Business Cycles," American Economic Review, 82 (4), Sept. 1992, 864- 888.
Backus, D. K. and P. J. Kehoe, and F. E. Kydland, "International Real Business Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 100 (4), Aug. 1992, 745-775.
Baxter, M. and R. King, "Fiscal Policy in General Equilibrium," American Economic Review 83 (3), June 1993, 315-334.
Bean, C., "European Unemployment: A Survey," Journal of Economic Literature, June 1994, 32 (2), 573-619.
Burnside, C., M. Eichenbaum, and S. Rebelo, "Labor Hoarding and the Business Cycle," Journal of Political Economy, 1993, 101, 245-273.
Blanchard, O., "What Do We Know About Macroeconomics?.
Blanchard, O. and P. Diamond, The Flow Approach to Labor Markets Amer. Econ. Rev. May 1993.
Blanchard O.J. and N. Kiyotaki, Monopolistic Competition and the Effects of Aggregate Demand Amer. Econ. Rev., 1987, 77:647-666.
Christiano, L. J. and T. J. Fitzgerald, "Understanding the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level," NBER Working Paper No. 7668, April 2000.
Christiano, L. and M. Eichenbaum, "Current Real Business Cycle Theories and Aggregate Labor-Market Fluctuations," American Economic Review , June 1992, 430-450.
Christiano, L. and M. Eichenbaum, "Liquidity Effects and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism," American Economic Review, May 82 (2), 1992, 346-353.
den Haan, W., G. Ramey, and J. Watson, "Job Destruction and the Propagation of Shocks," American Economic Review, June 2000, 90(3), 482-498.
Hartley, J., K. Hoover, and K. Salyer, "A User's Guide to Solving Real Business Cycle Models.
King, R.G., " Quantitative Theory and Econometrics," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, 81 (3), Summer 1995, 53-105.
Paul Krugman, "Culture Wars,"
C. Romer,, "Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanation," NBER Working Paper No. 6948, Feb. 1999.
Shapiro, C. and J.E. Stiglitz, Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device, Amer. Econ. Review.June 1984.
Stadler, G.W., "Real Business Cycles," Journal of Economic Literature, 32, December 1994, 1750-1762, 1766-180.
Taylor, J.B., "Aggregate Dynamics and Staggered Contracts," Journal of Political Economy, 88 (1), 1980, 1-24. Real business Cycle Models,"
Mike Woodford, "Revolution and Evolution in 20th Cnetury Macroeconomics," June 1999.
