
观点 · 2003-03-25




Ah sa曾在学习交流版发了个帖子:“问题讨论(4):是我本来自私,还是经济学令我自私?”(,讲述了Marwell和Ames所做的一个实验(Marwell, Gerald, and Ruth E. Ames 1981. "Economists Free Ride, Does Anyone Else?: Experiments on the Provision of Public Goods IV." Journal of Public Economics 15:295-310. ),实验表明,经济学专业的研究生明显要比其他专业的学生更会搭便车(free-riding),对此,他们提出了两个假说:1、Selection Hypotheses,那些更注重self-interests的人选择了经济学;2、Learning Hypotheses,通过对经济学的学习,人们会改变自己的行为。

Carter和Irons后来做了一个改进型的实验(Are Economists Different, and If So, Why?, by John Carter and Michael Irons, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1991, Vol. 5. No. 2, pp. 171-177),来验证上述的两个假说。

实验是这样的,他们把实验者分成经济学专业的新生(只学过2个月的宏观,未学过微观)、非经济学专业的新生、经济学者和非经济学专业的学者四类。实验是两个一组进行的,其中一个称为proposer,另一个称为responder,组织者给proposer 10块钱,由他向responder提出一个两个人之间的分割方案(必须是0.5的倍数,并且总和为10),如果responder接受proposer提出的分配方案,那么每个人就得到相应的钱;如果responder拒绝,那么两个人都一分不得。

显然,你不用博弈论就可以想出,如果两个人都是理性并且是自利(rational / self-interest),responder会接受任何大于0的数额,所以,理论上的均衡点是proposer提出自己得9.5元,responder 得0.5元,然后responder接受这个分配方案。

实验结果当然是偏离了这个均衡点。可我在这里要说的是,如果实验者分成经济学专业(包括经济学新生和经济学专家)和非经济学专业两类的话,前者的成绩更接近理论上的预测值,进一步的统计检验表明,经济学专业的新生比其他专业的新生的成绩更接近理论值。Carter和Irons得出结论,selection hypotheses成立,那些更self-interest的人选择了经济学。


DNKM的推论:在选择经济学的人群中,喜欢Adam Smith的人应该比喜欢Karl Max的人多。(未经实验证明!)

附:Ah sa的帖子


作者:Ah sa  发表时间:2001年6月25日 09:07


Consider this experiment(实验):

Four persons are brought to 4 separated(隔离) rooms.
Each person is given $5.

He can either take the money home or donate(捐献) some money into a box.
The money put in the box by the four persons will be multiplied(乘) by 2 and then shared(平分) by the four persons.
(Note: they don't know how much other people put into the box)

For example, if all of the four persons donate their $5, they can each bring $10 home.
(This is the Pareto optimal allocation)

However, if all of them keep their money and donate $0, they can only bring $5 home.(This is the equilibrium predicted by economic theory because one is strictly better off by putting $0 into the box)

Marwell & Ames(1981) carried out the above experiment and found out 2 interesting results:
(1) On average, people donate 40-60% of their money into the box.
(2) Economic students, on average, put only 20% of their money into the box.

Suppose the result is reliable(可靠的), the question is: why economic students are more "selfish"("自私")?
There are two possible reasons:
(i)"Selfish" student tend to choose economics.
(ii) Economics teaches student to be "selfish".

Fellows, what do you think?

Do you think you are a "natural-born" maximizer, or a "learned" maximizer?
Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.--- R.E.M.
