
观点 · 2003-04-04



我觉得以下杂志: Regional and Urban Economics , Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economic Geography


Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Vols. 1-3
Forthcoming: Volume 4
Volume 1
Regional Economics
Edited by: Peter Nijkamp

Part 1 - Locational Analysis

1. Advances in Regional Economics - Peter Nijkamp and Edwin S. Mills
2. The Location of Production Activities - Martin J. Beckmann and Jacques-François Thisse
3. Residential Mobility and Household Location Modelling - W. A. V. Clark and W. F. J. Van Lierop
4. Public Facility Location: A Multiregional and Multi-Authority Decision Context - Börje Johansson and Giorgio Leonardi
5. Spatial Equilibrium Analysis - T. Takayama and W. C. Labys
6. Regional Economic Dynamics - Å. E. Andersson and R. E. Kuenne

Part 2 - Regional Economic Models and Methods

7. Regional and Multiregional Economic Models: A Survey - Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld and Folke Snickars
8. Regional, Interregional and Multiregional Input-Output Analysis - Geoffrey J. D. Hewings and Rodney C. Jensen
9. Spatial Interaction, Transportation, and Interregional Commodity Flow Models - David F. Batten and David E. Boyce
10. Regional Econometric and Dynamic Models - Robert J. Bennett and Leen Hordijk
11. Qualitative Statistical Models for Regional Economic Analysis - Neil Wrigley and Floor Brouwer

Part 3 - Regional Economic Development and Policy

12. Multiple Objective Decision Analysis in Regional Economics - Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld
13. Regional Labor Market Analysis - Andrew Isserman, Carol Taylor, Shelby Gerking and Uwe Schubert
14. Regional Energy and Environmental Analysis - T. R. Lakshmanan and Roger Bolton
15. Innovation and Changes in Regional Structure - E.J. Malecki and P. Varaiya
16. Regional Policies in Developing Countries - Harry W. Richardson and Peter M. Townroe

Volume 2
Urban Economics
Edited by: Edwin S. Mills

Part 1 - Locational Analysis

17. Advances in Urban Economics - Edwin S. Mills and Peter Nijkamp
18. The Theory of Urban Residential Location - Mahlon Straszheim
19. Theories of Urban Business Location - Konrad Stahl
20. The Structure of Urban Equilibria: A Unified Treatment of the Muth-Mills Model - Jan K. Brueckner
21. Computer Simulation Models of Urban Location - John F. Kain
22. Dynamic Urban Models - Takahiro Miyao
23. General Equilibrium Modeling of Systems of Cities - J. Vernon Henderson

Part 2 - Specific Urban Markets

24. Economic Theory and Housing - Richard Arnott
25. The Demand and Supply of Housing Service: A Critical Survey of the Empirical Literature - Edgar O. Olsen
26. Urban Transportation - Michael E. Beesley and Michael A. Kemp
27. Urban Public Facility Location - Charles Revelle
28. Rural-Urban Migration in Developing Countries - Dipak Mazumdar

Part 3 - Urban Government Behavior and Issues

29. Theoretical Analysis of Local Public Economics - David E. Wildasin
30. Financing Urban Public Services - Rémy Prud'homme
31. Urban Amenities and Public Policy - Timothy J. Bartik and V. Kerry Smith
32. Urbanization in the Developing World: Patterns, Issues, and Policies - Andrew M. Hamer and Johannes F. Linn
33. City Size and Place as Policy Issues - George Tolley and John Crihfield

Volume 3
Applied Urban Economics
Edited by: Paul C. Cheshire and Edwin S. Mills

34. Introduction - Paul C. Cheshire and Edwin S. Mills

Part 1 - Spatial and Related Topics

35. Trends in Sizes and Structures of Urban Areas - Paul C. Cheshire
36. Urban Areas with Decentralized Employment: Theory and Empirical Work - Michelle White
37. Quality of Life and Environmental Comparisons - Joseph Gyourko, Matthew Kahn and Joseph Tracy
38. Agglomeration Economies and Urban Public Infrastructure - Randall W. Eberts and Daniel P. McMillen

Part 2 - Urban Markets

39. Urban Labor Markets - Graham R. Crampton
40. Urban Housing Markets: Theory and Policy - Christine M.E. Whitehead
41. Hedonic Analysis of Housing Markets - Stephen Sheppard
42. Land Markets and Government Intervention - Alan W. Evans

Part 3 - Developing Countries

43. Urbanization in Transforming Economies - Charles M. Becker and Andrew R. Morrison
44. Economic Analysis of Housing Markets in Developing and Transition Economies - Stephen Malpezzi
45. Poverty in Developing Countries - Eernesto M. Pernia and M.G. Quibria

Part 4 - Specific Sectors and Problems

46. Urban Transportation - Kenneth A. Small and Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez
47. Sorting and Voting: A Review of the Literature on Urban Public Finance - Stephen Ross and John Yinger


Ronald[Coase] said he had gotten tired of antitrust because when the prices went up the judges said it was monopoly, when the prices went down they said it was predatory pricing, and when they stayed the same they said it was tacit collusion.

