
观点 · 2003-06-10



问: 假设偏好具完备性是否合理?传递性又是否合理?
1、完备性: 对于任两个不同的选择(消费束),均可以比较。
2、传递性: 对于消费束A,B & C, 假如A比B好,B比C好,则A比C好




For comlpeteness, I'm not sure. It seems to me that, sometimes a person cannot make choice between two options that are too unfamiliar to him. For example, if you ask a person whether he wants to eat "1000 apples, 500 oranges and 700 eggs" or eat "800 apples, 800 oranges and 800 eggs", he may say, "I don't know, I haven't eaten so many stuff before". Similarly, if you ask whether a person wants a cup of tea or a piece of cake at 2:00pm on 11/12/2040, he may not be able to choose.

You may have encountered the following dilemma (just for fun):
If your mother and your lover both don't know swimming, but both fall into the sea. Now you can only save one of them, what will you do?
( If this question is raised by you mother or your lover alone, you definitely have an answer. If they ask you together, you're in trouble. )

假定a和b不能同时选择(例如一个人不能同时选择吃饭和睡觉 ),若某人说他对a和b无差异,这并不意味着a和b对他来说无差异的。只要他最终作出了选择,那么a和b对他来说就是有差异的。即a和b是“完备“的。如果他没有做出选择,那么也不能据此说a,b不可比较,因为他根本就没有选择。只有在选择中才能显示偏好。所谓实践是检验真理的标准,用在这里也是适合的。

Concerning transitivity, there is a famous problem of framing (包装) proposed by Kahneman and Tversky(1984):

(1) Suppose you have to buy a TV for $1000 and a cup for $10. The salesman tells you that the cup is onsale for $5 less (50% off) at the other branch of the store, located 20 minutes away. But the TV is the sa,e price there. Would you make the trip to the other store?

It turns out that the fraction of respondents saying that they would travel to the other store for the 5 dollar discount is much higher than the fraction who say they would travel when the question is changed so that the 5 dollar saving is on the TV. This is so even though the ultinate saving obtained by incurring the inconvenience of travel is the same in both cases.

(2) On the other hand, people are indifferent in the following situation:
Because of a stockout you must travel to the other store to get the two items, but you will receive 5 dollars off on either item as compensation. Do you care on which item this 5 dollar discount is given?

(3) The above experiment shows that many people violates transitivity. To see this, denote:
x: travel to the other store and get $5 discount on the cup.
y: travel to the other store and get $5 discount on the TV.
z: Buy both items at the first store.
Part (1) shows that x>y and y>z. Part (2) shows that x=y. Thus, violating transitivity!



in fact,this is always right,but , it only can apply most conditons ,not all.it is just a asumption,

