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Bibliography for
Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics

Alexander, Sidney. 1952. "The Effects of Devaluation on a Trade Balance," IMF Staff Papers, (April), pp. 359-373. See absorption approach.

Anderson, James E. and J. Peter Neary. 1996. "A New Approach to Evaluating Trade Policy," Review of Economic Studies 63, (January), pp. 107-125. See Trade Restrictiveness Index.

Antweiler, Werner and Daniel Trefler. 2002. "Increasing Returns and All That: A View from Trade," American Economic Review 92, (March), pp. 93-119. See Intra-mediate trade.

Armington, Paul S. 1969. "A Theory of Demand for Products Distinguished by Place of Production," IMF Staff Papers 16, (March), pp. 159-178. See Armington assumption.

Arndt, Sven W. 1997. "Globalization and the Open Economy," North American Journal of Economics and Finance 8, pp. 71-79. See intra-product specialization.

Arrow, K.J., H.B. Chenery, B.S. Minhas, and R.M. Solow. 1961. "Capital-Labor Substitution and Economic Efficiency," Review of Economics and Statistics 53, (August), pp. 225-251. See CES function, homohypallagic, and SMAC function.

Balassa, Bela. 1965. "Trade Liberalization and 'Revealed' Comparative Advantage," Manchester School 33, pp. 99-123. See revealed comparative advantage.

Baldwin, Robert E. 1948. "Equilibrium in International Trade: A Diagrammatic Analysis," Quarterly Journal of Economics 67, (November), pp. 748=762. See Baldwin envelope.

Baldwin, Robert E. 1969. "The Case Against Infant Industry Protection," Journal of Political Economy 77, (May-June), pp. 295-305. See infant industry protection.

Bergsten, C. Fred 1975. Toward a New International Economic Order Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. See Bicycle Theory.

Bergsten, C. Fred 1997. "Open Regionalism," The World Economy 20, (August), pp. 545-565. See open regionalism.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1958. "Immiserizing Growth: A Geometrical Note," Review of Economic Studies 25, (June), pp. 201-205. See immizerizing growth.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1982. "Directly Unproductive Profit-Seeking (DUP) Activities," Journal of Political Economy 90, (October), pp. 988-1002. See DUP activities.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N. 1984. "Splintering and Disembodiment of Services and Developing Nations," The World Economy 7, (June), pp. 133-143. See splintering.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1985. "Protectionism: Old Wine in New Bottles," Journal of Policy Modeling 7, pp. 23-34. See quid pro quo FDI.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1987. "Quid Pro Quo DFI and VIEs: Political-Economy-Theoretic Analyses," International Economic Journal 1, pp. 1-14. See VIE.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1988. Protectionism Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. See Bicycle Theory.

Bhagwati, Jagdish. 1991. The World Trading System at Risk, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. See stumbling block.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N. and Vivek H. Dehejia. 1994. "Freer Trade and Wages of the Unskilled -- Is Marx Striking Again?" in Jagdish N. Bhagwati and Marvin Kosters, eds., Trade and Wages: Leveling Wages Down?, Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, pp. 36-75. See Kaleidoscope comparative advantage.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N. and Arvind Panagariya, eds. 1996. The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements, College Park : Center for International Economics, University of Maryland. See preferential trading arrangement.

Bhagwati, Jagdish N. and T.N. Srinivasan. 1980. "Revenue Seeking: A Generalization of the Theory of Tariffs," Journal of Political Economy 88, (December), pp. 1069-1087. See revenue seeking.

Brander, James and Paul Krugman. 1983. "A 'Reciprocal Dumping' Model of International Trade," Journal of International Economics 15, (November), pp. 313-321. See reciprocal dumping.

Brander, James A. and Barbara J. Spencer. 1981. "Tariffs and the Extraction of Foreign Monopoliy Rents under Potential Entry," Canadian Journal of Economics 14, (August), pp. 371-389. See strategic trade policy.

Brander, James A. and Barbara J. Spencer. 1984. "Tariff Protection and Imperfect Competition," in Henryk Kierzkowski, ed., Monopolistic Competition and International Trade, Oxford Univ. Press. See strategic trade policy argument for a tariff.

Bruno, Michael. 1963. Interdependence, Resource Use and Structural Change in Israel, Jerusalem: Bank of Israel. See domestic resource cost.

Bruno, Michael. 1963. "Domestic Resource Costs and Effective Protection: Clarification and Synthesis," Journal of Political Economy 80, (Jan.-Feb.), pp. 16-33. See domestic resource cost.

Christensen, Laurits R., Dale W. Jorgenson, and Lawrence J. Lau. 1973. "Transcendental Logarithmic Production Frontiers," Review of Economics and Statistics 55, (February) pp. 28-45. See translog function.,

Coase, Ronald. 1960. "The Problem of Social Cost," Journal of Law and Economics 3, (October), pp. 1-44. See Coase Theorem.

Corden, W. Max. 1966. "The Structure of a Tariff System and the Effective Protective Rate," Journal of Political Economy 74, (June), pp. 221-237. See effective rate of protection.

Corden, W. Max. 1974. Trade Policy and Economic Welfare Oxford: Clarendon Press. See Conservative Social Welfare Function.

Deardorff, Alan V. 1979. "One-Way Arbitrage and Its Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market," Journal of Political Economy 87, (April), pp. 351-364. See one-way arbitrage.

Deardorff, Alan V. 1982. "The General Validity of the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem," American Economic Review 72, (September), pp. 683-694. See comvariance.

Dixit, Avinash K and Gene M. Grossman. 1982. "Trade and Protection with Multistage Production," Review of Economic Studies 59, pp. 583-594. See multistage production.

Dixit, Avinash K and Victor Norman. 1980. Theory of International Trade London: Cambridge University Press. See Integrated World Economy.

Dixit, Avinash K. and Joseph E. Stiglitz. 1977. "Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity," American Economic Review 67, (June), pp. 297-308. See Dixit-Stiglitz function.

Dornbusch, Rudiger. 1976. "Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics," Journal of Political Economy 84, (December), pp. 1161-86. See exchange rate overshooting.

Dornbusch, Rudiger, Stanley Fischer, and Paul A. Samuelson. 1977. "Comparative Advantage, Trade, and Payments in a Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods," American Economic Review 67, (December), pp. 823-839. See DFS Model, continuum-of-goods model.

Dornbusch, Rudiger, Stanley Fischer, and Paul A. Samuelson. 1980. "Heckscher?Ohlin Trade Theory with a Continuum of Goods," Quarterly Journal of Economics 95, (September), pp. 203-224. See DFS Model, continuum-of-goods model.

Edgeworth, F. Y. 1894. "The Theory of International values," Economic Journal 4, (March) pp. 35-50. See immiserizing growth.

Ethier, Wilfred. 1974. "Some of the Theorem of International Trade with Many Goods and Factors," Journal of Economic Perspectives 4, pp. 199-206. See core propositions.

Feenstra, Robert C. 1998. "Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy," Journal of Economic Perspectives 12, (Fall), pp. 31-50. See disintegration.

Findlay, Ronald and Harry Grubert. 1959. "Factor Intensities, Technological Progress and the Terms of Trade," Oxford Economic Papers, pp. 111-121. See Lerner Diagram.

Fisher, Irving. 1930. The Theory of Interest, New York: Macmillan. See Fisher Effect.

Fleming, J.M. 1962. "Domestic Financial Policies under Fixed and under Floating Exchange Rates," IMF Staff Papers 9, pp. 369-379. See Mundell-Fleming Model.

Frankel, Jeffrey. 1997. Regional Trading Blocs in the World Economic System Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics. See trade intensity index.

Friedman, Milton. 1953. "The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates," Essays in Positive Economics Chicago: University of Chicago Press. See stabilizing speculation.

Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman. 1999. "The Internationalization of Economic Activity," National Science Foundation grant, July. See internationalization.

Grossman, Gene M. and Alan Krueger. 1993. "Environmental Impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement," in Peter M. Garber, ed., The Mexico-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 13-56. See Environmental Kuznets Curve.

Grubel, Herbert G. and Peter J. Lloyd. 1975. Intra-Industry Trade: The Theory and Measurement of International Trade in Differentiated Products, New York: Wiley. See Grubel-Lloyd index, intraindustry trade.

Haberler, Gottfried von. 1937. The Theory of International Trade with Its Applications to Commercial Policy, New York: Macmillan. See specific factor.

Harberger, Arnold C. 1950. "Currency Depreciation, Income, and the Balance of Trade," Journal of Political Economy 58, pp. 47-60. See Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Effect.

Heckscher, Eli. 1919. "The Effect of Foreign Trade on the Distribution of Income," Ekonomisk Tidskrift, pp. 497-512. See Heckscher-Ohlin Model.

Hicks, John R. 1940. "The Valuation of the Social Income," Economica (May). See Kaldor-Hicks Criterion.

Hummels, David, Dana Rapoport, and Kei-Mu Yi. 1998. "Vertical Specialization and the Changing Nature of World Trade," FRBNY Economic Policy Review, (June), pp. 79-99. See vertical specialization.

Johnson, Harry G. 1953. "Equilibrium Growth in an Expanding Economy," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 19. See immiserizing growth.

Johnson, Harry G. 1954. "Optimum Tariffs and Retaliation," Review of Economic Studies 21, pp. 142-153. See optimal tariff argument, tariffs and retaliation.

Johnson, Harry G. 1955. "Economic Expansion and International Trade," Manchester School 23, pp. 95-112. See immizerizing growth.

Jones, Ronald W. 1965. "The Structure of Simple General Equilibrium Models," Journal of Political Economy 73, (December), pp. 557-572. See hat algebra, magnification effect.

Jones, Ronald W. 1971. "A Three-Factor Model in Theory, Trade, and History," in Bhagwati, et al., eds., Trade, Balance of Payments, and Growth: Essays in Honor of C. P. Kindleberger, Amsterdam: North-Holland. See Ricardo-Viner Model.

Jones, Ronald W. 1977. "'Two-ness' in Trade Theory: Costs and Benefits," Special Papers in International Economics No. 12, International Finance Section, Princeton University, (April). See two-ness.

Jones, Ronald W. and Henryk Kierzkowski. 1986. "Neighborhood Production Structures, with an Application to the Theory of International Trade," Oxford Economic Papers 38, pp. 59-76. See neighborhood production structure.

Jones, Ronald W. and Henryk Kierzkowski. 1990. "The Role of Services in Production and International Trade: A Theoretical Framework," in Ronald W. Jones and Anne O. Krueger, eds., The Political Economy of International Trade: Essays in Honor of Robert E. Baldwin, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, pp. 31-48. See fragmentation.

Jones, R.W. and J. Scheinkman. 1977. "The Relevance of the Two-Sector Production Model in Trade Theory," Journal of Political Economy 85, (October), pp. 909-936. See two-ness.

Kaldor, Nicholas. 1939. "Welfare Propositions of Economics and Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility," Economic Journal Vol, (September), pp. . See Kaldor-Hicks Criterion.

Katrak, Homi. 1977. "Multinational Monopolies and Commercial Policy," Oxford Economic Papers 29, (July), pp. 283-291. See strategic trade policy argument for a tariff.

Kemp, Murray C. and Henry Wan, Jr. 1976. "An Elementary Proposition Concerning the Formation of Customs Unions," Journal of International Economics 6, (February), pp. 95-97. See Kemp-Wan Theorem.

Keynes, John Maynard. 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money London: MacMillan. See Keynesian and liquidity trap.

Krueger, Anne O. 1974. "The Political Economy of the Rent Seeking Society," American Economic Review 64, (June), pp. 291-303. See rent seeking.

Krugman, Paul R. 1979. "Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition, and International Trade," Journal of International Economics 9, (November), pp. 469-479. See New Trade Theory.

Krugman, Paul R. 1987. "Pricing to Market When the Exchange Rate Changes," in Sven W. Arndt and J. David Richardson, Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economics Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 49-70. See pricing to market.

Krugman, Paul R. 1991a. Geography and Trade Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. See New Economic Geography.

Krugman, Paul R. 1991b. "The Move Toward Free Trade Zones," in Policy Implications of Trade and Currency Zones, symposium sponsored by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 22-24. See GATT-Think.

Krugman, Paul R. 1996. "Does Third World Growth Hurt First World Prosperity?" Harvard Business Review 72, pp. 113-121. See Slicing up the value chain.

Kuznets, Simon. 1955. "Economic Growth and Income Inequality," American Economic Review 65, (March), pp. 1-28. See Kuznets Curve.

Laursen, Svend and Lloyd A. Metzler. 1950. "Flexible Exchange Rates and the Theory of Employment," Review of Economics and Statistics 32, (November), pp. 281-299. See Harberger-Laursen-Metzler Effect.

Leamer, Edward E. 1996. "The Effects of Trade in Services, Technology Transfer and Delocalisation on Local and Global Income Inequality," Asia-Pacific Economic Review 2, (April), pp. 44-60. See delocalization.

Leibenstein, Harvey. 1966. "Allocative Efficiency vs. 'X-Efficiency'," American Economic Review 56, (June), pp. 392-415. See X-efficiency.

Leontief, Wassily. 1933. "The Use of Indifference Curves in the Analysis of Foreign Trade," Quarterly Journal of Economics 57, (May), pp. 493-503. See community indifference curve.

Leontief, Wassily. 1954. "Domestic Production and Foreign Trade: The American Capital Position Reexamined," Economia Internatiozionale 7, (February), pp. 3-32. See input-output table, Leontief Paradox.

Lerner, Abba P. 1936. "The Symmetry between Import and Export Taxes," Economica 3, (August), pp. 306-313. See Lerner Symmetry Theorem.

Lerner, Abba P. 1952. "Factor Prices and International Trade," Economica n.s. 19, (February). See Lerner Diagram.

Lipsey, R.G. and Kelvin Lancaster. 1956. "The General Theory of Second Best," Review of Economic Studies 24, pp. 11-32. See second best.

Mayer, Wolfgang. 1974. "Short-Run and Long-Run Equilibrium for a Small Open Economy," Journal of Political Economy 82, (Sep-Oct), pp. 955-967. See Ricardo-Viner Model.

Meade, James Edward. 1952. A Geometry of International Trade London: Allen and Unwin. See Meade Geometry, trade indifference curve.

Metzler, Lloyd. 1949. "International Demand and Domestic Prices," Journal of Political Economy 57, (August), pp. 345-351. See Metzler paradox.

Mill, James. 1821. Elements of Political Economy. See immiserizing growth.

Minhas, Bagicha S. 1962.. "The Homohypallagic Production Function, Factor-Intensity Reversals, and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem," Journal of Political Economy 70, (April), pp. 138-156. See homohypallagic.

Mundell, Robert A. 1961. "A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas," American Economic Review 51, (September), pp. 657-665. See currency area, optimal currency area, .

Mundell, Robert A. 1962. "The Appropriate Use of Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Fixed Exchange Rates," IMF Staff Papers 9, (March), pp. 70-79. See assignment problem, Mundell-Fleming Model.

Mundell, Robert A. 1963. "Capital Mobility and Stabilization Policy under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 9, (November), pp. 475-485. See Mundell-Fleming Model.

Mussa, Michael. 1974.. "Tariffs and the Distribution of Income: The Importance of Factor Specificity, Substitutability, and Intensity in the Short and Long Run," Journal of Political Economy 82, (Nov.-Dec.), pp. 1191-1204. See Ricardo-Viner Model.

Neary, Peter. 1978. "Short-Run Capital Specificity and the Pure Theory of International Trade," Economic Journal 88, (September), pp. 488-510. See Ricardo-Viner Model.

Ohlin, Bertil. 1933. Interregional and International Trade, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. See Heckscher-Ohlin Model, Ohlin definition, price definition.

Ohyama, Michihiro. 1972. "Trade and Welfare in General Equilibrium," Keio Economic Studies 9, pp. 37-73. See revealed preference.

Pearce, Ivor F. 1952. "The Factor Price Equalization Myth," Review of Economic Studies 19 no. 2, pp. 111-120. See Lerner-Pearce Diagram.

Pöyhönen, Pentti. 1963. "A Tentative Model for the Volume of Trade Between Countries," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 90 (1), pp. 93-99. See gravity model.

Prebisch, Raúl. 1950. "The Economic Development of Latin America and its Principal Problems". See Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis.

Rybczynski, T.M. 1955. "Factor Endowments and Relative Commodity Prices," Economica 22, pp. 336-341. See Rybczynski Theorem.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1939. "The Gains from International Trade," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 5, pp. 195-205. See gains from trade theorem, revealed preference.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1948. "International Trade and the Equalisation of Factor Prices," Economic Journal 58, (June), pp. 163-184. See factor price equalization, Heckscher-Ohlin Model.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1949. "International Factor-Price Equalisation Once Again," Economic Journal 59, (June), pp. 181-197. See factor price equalization, Heckscher-Ohlin Model.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1953. "Prices of Factors and Goods in General Equilibrium," Review of Economic Studies 21, (October), pp. 1-20. See Heckscher-Ohlin Model.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1954. "The Transfer Problem and Transport Costs, II: Analysis of Effects of Trade Impediments," Economic Journal 64, (June), pp. 264-289.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1962. "The Gains from International Trade Once Again," Economic Journal 72, (December), pp. 820-829. See gains from trade theorem, utility possibility frontier.

Samuelson, Paul A. 1971. "Ohlin Was Right," Swedish Journal of Economic 73, pp. 365-384. See . See Ricardo-Viner Model.

Sanyal, Kalyan K. and Ronald W. Jones. 1982. "The Theory of Trade in Middle Products," American Economic Review 72, (March), pp. 16.31. See middle product.

Scitovszky, Tibor de. 1942. "A Reconsideration of the Theory of Tariffs," Review of Economic Studies 9, (Summer), pp. 89-110. See Scitovszky indifference curve.

Singer, H.W. 1950. "U.S. Foreign Investment in Underdeveloped Areas: The Distribution of Gains Between Investing and Borrowing Countries," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 40, (May), pp. 473-485. See Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis.

Solow, Robert M. 1956. "A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth," Quarterly Journal of Economics 70, pp. 65-94. See neoclassical growth model.

Solow, Robert M. 1957. "Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function," Review of Economics and Statistics 39, (August), pp. 312-320. See Solow residual.

Stolper, Wolfgang and Paul A. Samuelson. 1941. "Protection and Real Wages," Review of Economic Studies 9, (November), pp. 58-73. See Stolper-Samuelson Theorem.

Swan, Trevor W. 1956. "Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation," Economic Record 32, pp. 334-61. See neoclassical growth model.

Tinbergen, Jan. 1962. Shaping the World Economy: Suggestions for an International Economic Policy, New York: Twentieth Century Fund. See gravity model.

Tobin, James. 1978. "A Proposal for International Monetary Reform," Eastern Economic Journal 4, pp. 153-159. See Tobin tax.

Travis, William Penfield. 1964. The Theory of Trade and Protection Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. See Integrated World Economy.

Trefler, Daniel. 1995. "The Case of the Missing Trade and Other Mysteries," American Economic Review 85, (December), pp. 1029-1046. See mystery of the missing trade, home bias.

Vanek, Jaroslav. 1968. "The Factor Proportions Theory: The n-Factor Case," Kyklos 4, (October), pp. 749-756. See Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theorem.

Vernon, Raymond. 1966. "International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle," Quarterly Journal of Economics 80, (May), pp. 190-207. See product cycle.

Viner, Jacob. 1950. The Customs Union Issue, New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. See trade creation, trade diversion.

Wilson, Charles. 1980. "On the General Structure of Ricardian Models with a Continuum of Goods: Applications to Growth, Tariff Theory, and Technical Change," Econometrica 48, (November), pp. 1675-1702. See continuum of goods.

