
观点 · 2003-11-12





我觉得以下杂志: Regional and Urban Economics , Regional Science and Urban Economics, Economic Geography


Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics Vols. 1-3
Forthcoming: Volume 4
Volume 1
Regional Economics
Edited by: Peter Nijkamp

Part 1 - Locational Analysis

1. Advances in Regional Economics - Peter Nijkamp and Edwin S. Mills
2. The Location of Production Activities - Martin J. Beckmann and Jacques-François Thisse
3. Residential Mobility and Household Location Modelling - W. A. V. Clark and W. F. J. Van Lierop
4. Public Facility Location: A Multiregional and Multi-Authority Decision Context - Börje Johansson and Giorgio Leonardi
5. Spatial Equilibrium Analysis - T. Takayama and W. C. Labys
6. Regional Economic Dynamics - Å. E. Andersson and R. E. Kuenne

Part 2 - Regional Economic Models and Methods

7. Regional and Multiregional Economic Models: A Survey - Peter Nijkamp, Piet Rietveld and Folke Snickars
8. Regional, Interregional and Multiregional Input-Output Analysis - Geoffrey J. D. Hewings and Rodney C. Jensen
9. Spatial Interaction, Transportation, and Interregional Commodity Flow Models - David F. Batten and David E. Boyce
10. Regional Econometric and Dynamic Models - Robert J. Bennett and Leen Hordijk
11. Qualitative Statistical Models for Regional Economic Analysis - Neil Wrigley and Floor Brouwer

Part 3 - Regional Economic Development and Policy

12. Multiple Objective Decision Analysis in Regional Economics - Peter Nijkamp and Piet Rietveld
13. Regional Labor Market Analysis - Andrew Isserman, Carol Taylor, Shelby Gerking and Uwe Schubert
14. Regional Energy and Environmental Analysis - T. R. Lakshmanan and Roger Bolton
15. Innovation and Changes in Regional Structure - E.J. Malecki and P. Varaiya
16. Regional Policies in Developing Countries - Harry W. Richardson and Peter M. Townroe

Volume 2
Urban Economics
Edited by: Edwin S. Mills

Part 1 - Locational Analysis

17. Advances in Urban Economics - Edwin S. Mills and Peter Nijkamp
18. The Theory of Urban Residential Location - Mahlon Straszheim
19. Theories of Urban Business Location - Konrad Stahl
20. The Structure of Urban Equilibria: A Unified Treatment of the Muth-Mills Model - Jan K. Brueckner
21. Computer Simulation Models of Urban Location - John F. Kain
22. Dynamic Urban Models - Takahiro Miyao
23. General Equilibrium Modeling of Systems of Cities - J. Vernon Henderson

Part 2 - Specific Urban Markets

24. Economic Theory and Housing - Richard Arnott
25. The Demand and Supply of Housing Service: A Critical Survey of the Empirical Literature - Edgar O. Olsen
26. Urban Transportation - Michael E. Beesley and Michael A. Kemp
27. Urban Public Facility Location - Charles Revelle
28. Rural-Urban Migration in Developing Countries - Dipak Mazumdar

Part 3 - Urban Government Behavior and Issues

29. Theoretical Analysis of Local Public Economics - David E. Wildasin
30. Financing Urban Public Services - Rémy Prud'homme
31. Urban Amenities and Public Policy - Timothy J. Bartik and V. Kerry Smith
32. Urbanization in the Developing World: Patterns, Issues, and Policies - Andrew M. Hamer and Johannes F. Linn
33. City Size and Place as Policy Issues - George Tolley and John Crihfield

Volume 3
Applied Urban Economics
Edited by: Paul C. Cheshire and Edwin S. Mills

34. Introduction - Paul C. Cheshire and Edwin S. Mills

Part 1 - Spatial and Related Topics

35. Trends in Sizes and Structures of Urban Areas - Paul C. Cheshire
36. Urban Areas with Decentralized Employment: Theory and Empirical Work - Michelle White
37. Quality of Life and Environmental Comparisons - Joseph Gyourko, Matthew Kahn and Joseph Tracy
38. Agglomeration Economies and Urban Public Infrastructure - Randall W. Eberts and Daniel P. McMillen

Part 2 - Urban Markets

39. Urban Labor Markets - Graham R. Crampton
40. Urban Housing Markets: Theory and Policy - Christine M.E. Whitehead
41. Hedonic Analysis of Housing Markets - Stephen Sheppard
42. Land Markets and Government Intervention - Alan W. Evans

Part 3 - Developing Countries

43. Urbanization in Transforming Economies - Charles M. Becker and Andrew R. Morrison
44. Economic Analysis of Housing Markets in Developing and Transition Economies - Stephen Malpezzi
45. Poverty in Developing Countries - Eernesto M. Pernia and M.G. Quibria

Part 4 - Specific Sectors and Problems

46. Urban Transportation - Kenneth A. Small and Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez
47. Sorting and Voting: A Review of the Literature on Urban Public Finance - Stephen Ross and John Yinger

1、Spatial economy : cities, regions and international trade Masahisa Fujita, Paul Krugman, Anthony J. Venables.

2、Economics of agglomeration : cities, industrial location, and regional growth Masahisa Fujita FUJITA基本上是这个领域的领头人了。。一个很严肃的日本老头。。





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